VIK - VIK Hotel
VIK Chile, the most luxurious hotel in Chile, will inspire you to switch off and unwind. Located at the top of a hill in the middle of the valley, very close to the Andes Mountain Range, Vik Chile …
VIK - The holistic way
Vik Chile Retreat A luxury retreat with exceptional architecture, located at the top of our park, to experience Vik in all its splendor. Ideally perched on a hilltop in the middle of this most …
VIK - Habitaciones
The 4,400 hectare private park celebrates Vik Chile’s singular location and the resort features unprecedented architecture and design, art and décor, environmentally respectful practices, …
Experiencias VIK
Te invitamos a descubrir una viña y hotel únicos en Chile, ubicada en un parque privado de más de 4.400 hectáreas de bosque nativo y una biodiversidad única, donde podrás realizar …
Chile - VIK - vikwine.com
Con materiales propiamente chilenos, la Puerta es de madera de cactus, al igual que el respaldo y los veladores. El suelo tiene capas de oro. Suite con cama king-size o camas twin, 35 m2, …
Bookings - Vik
VIK Chile Retreat; Tour Virtual 360º ... Contacto; Términos y Condiciones; Oportunidades Laborales; Viña Vik - Millahue, San Vicente de Tagua Tagua, Chile ... Wine Shop; Hotel Vik …
VIK - Suite
Chile. This suite features characteristically Chilean materials. The door, headboard and bedside tables are made of cactus wood and the floor has gold overlays.
Chile - VIK
Carlos Leppe (1952 – 2015) Chile; Felipe Cusicanqui – Chile. This suite features characteristically Chilean materials. The door, headboard and bedside tables are made of cactus wood and the …
Our Winery - VIK
Set within the vines, the VIK wine cellar can be seen from the Vik Chile retreat, where guests can admire its primary architectural element: its uniquely transparent, stretched-fabric roof.
VIK WINES Tienda Oficial en Chile – VIK Chile
Tras una búsqueda de dos años, encontramos el mejor terroir del mundo, ubicado en el Valle de Millahue, en Chile. Millahue significa “Lugar de Oro”. Plantamos nuestras vides Cabernet …