Is it possible to measure your sit bones at home?
A fresh piece of corrugated cardboard on a hard surface such as a coffee table. Sit down and try to mimic the upper body position you have on your bike. Your sit bones change position based on how your pelvis is tilted. Your sit bones should crush the corrugated cardboard slightly and leave two indentations. Measure center to center as best you ...
Where should my sit bones rest on a leather hammock/sling saddle?
2013年10月23日 · Measure your sit-bones distance, reference to another SE question ; If your sit bones are narrower than widest part of the metal bracket (about C,D 1-6) then tightening the saddle bolt will help a great deal. If your sit-bones are wider than C 1-6, then tightening the saddle may not help much, you may have to consider getting a wider saddle.
saddle - I can't sit on my sit bones - Bicycles Stack Exchange
2013年1月17日 · I'm 195cm and 80kg. For as long as I can remember, I haven't been able to sit on my sit bones comfortably. In hard wooden chairs I slouch or lean far forwards. Plastic seats, such as on a metro, are also quite uncomfortable. I often struggle with soreness after riding.
How to measure sit bone distance if I am very fat?
2020年8月4日 · Here's how I measured my sit bone distance. I bought a cheap "Gel" saddle from a department store. I rode it for a while. The cheap "Gel" padding in the department store bought saddle compressed permanently, leaving marks at where my sit bones touch the saddle.
What are the advantages of angling your saddle down?
2012年2月16日 · You want your "sit bones" to be on the widest part of the saddle. If you slide forward, the pressure will shift from the sit bones to the perineum; and that's probably a bad thing. There are special cases for tilting the saddle nose downward; but for …
Sit bones and the saddle's curves - Bicycles Stack Exchange
2021年10月8日 · The sit bones are quite far away at the rear of the saddle. The saddle in your picture is one that is ideal for women. If a man moves the saddle backwards to have the correct width at the correct distance from handlebars and cranks, the man soon finds that the nose of the saddle is too short and the saddle feels strange.
I sit real far back on my saddle - Bicycles Stack Exchange
I tend to slide BACK on my saddle really far, to the point where my sit bones are very near to the edge. If I try to scoot forward, it's markedly more uncomfortable for the soft tissues and the angle of my legs doesn't feel right. The bike frame itself is the right size-- the shop helped me with that.
Do smaller riders tend to need a wider saddle?
2022年8月8日 · No - smaller riders tend to smaller saddles, all other things being equal (like gender). However females tend to have wider hips for biological reasons, so the sit bones are further apart on average than a male of the same height+weight.
Brooks saddle angle dilemma - Bicycles Stack Exchange
2015年8月8日 · Sit bones and the saddle's curves. 4. Brooks B-17 Saddle Rails too Narrow? 4. saddle discomfort. Hot ...
Getting the right cockpit position. Sliding forward. What should I ...
I also found that as the saddle warms up I sink into the saddle a bit and find that it acts like a shelf for my sit bones, keeping me in place. I currently have my Brooks (Professional) set up such that I just creep forward at the start of the ride (when the leather is cold), but after a few minutes the leather warms up, becomes more compliant ...