Ricardo Montalbán - Wikipedia
During the filming of Across the Wide Missouri (1951), Montalbán was thrown from his horse, knocked unconscious, and trampled by another horse, which aggravated his arteriovenous …
Why was Ricardo Montalban in a wheel chair? - Answers
2022年11月15日 · He fell of a horse playing Mr. Roake during "Fantasy Island" and later on he payed to go under spinal surgery for 9 1/2 hours to get it fixed. "Montalbán was thrown from …
Ricardo Montalban dies at 88; ‘Fantasy Island’ actor
2009年1月15日 · While making the 1951 Gable western “Across the Wide Missouri,” Montalban fell from a horse and injured his spine. The injury caused him to walk with a limp, which he …
Ricardo Montalban - Memory Alpha
According to Wrath of Khan director Nicholas Meyer, Montalban suffered the injury after a horse rode over the actor during production, which also left him with a limp that he concealed for the …
Ricardo Montalban Biography, Life, Interesting Facts - Sun Signs
In 1951, Ricardo Montalban was thrown off his horse during the shoot of the film Across Wide Missouri. He fell unconscious and was trampled upon by another horse, which worsened his …
Ricardo Montalban - NNDB
In filming, though, Montalban was reportedly thrown off a horse, knocked out, and walked on by another horse, leaving him with a spinal injury that troubled him for the rest of his life and grew …
- 出生日期: 1920年11月25日
- Actor: Roarke on Fantasy Island
- 死亡日期: 2009年1月14日
Ricardo Montalban dies at 88 - Delco Times
2009年1月15日 · Montalban suffered a spinal injury in a horse fall while making a 1951 Clark Gable Western, “Across the Wide Missouri,” and thereafter walked with a limp he managed to …
Ricardo Montalbán - PureHistory
2015年2月10日 · During the filming of the 1951 film, Across the Wide Missouri, Montalbán was thrown from his horse, knocked unconscious, and trampled by another horse, which …
Ricardo Montalban Obituary - Death Notice and Service …
Montalban suffered a spinal injury in a horse fall while making a 1951 Clark Gable Western, "Across the Wide Missouri," and thereafter walked with a limp he managed to mask during his...
Remembering Ricardo Montalban - TrekMovie.com
2009年1月18日 · Here is one example of his abilities, made all the amazing by the fact that Montalban suffered from spinal cord problems his entire life, and which were exaggerated after …