Bowling Bulb | Plants vs. Zombies Wiki | Fandom
Bowling Bulb is the third plant obtained in Big Wave Beach in Plants vs. Zombies 2. They shoot every 2 - 2.25 seconds. They can roll up to three types of bulbs (one at a time) of varying …
Bowling Bulb | Plants vs. Zombies: Reflourished Wiki | Fandom
Bowling Bulb can charge up to three types of bulbs of varying damage and recharge rate, launching a bulb every 2 - 2.25 seconds. Their bulbs bounce diagonally between zombies, …
【图片】【攻略】通关可获得的植物介绍【植物大战僵尸2吧】_百 …
路灯花是有能量豆大招的,大招一开,全场的隐身僵尸都会现形,迷雾也会散开,有装扮的大招会使僵尸晕住一会儿。 通过黑暗第13关可以获得咖啡豆,咖啡豆可以唤醒沉睡的植物,还能增 …
Bowling Bulb - Plants vs. Zombies 2: Alternate UniverZ Wiki
Bowling Bulb works best with instant plants that help kill of surviving zombies, allowing it to recharge all of their bulbs which is also when you get the most value out of them. They can …
Bowling Bulb - Plants vs. Zombies 2: Project ECLISE Wiki
Bowling Bulb, unlocked after beating 5-10, has three bulbs and when it has more than one bulb, it will shoot each bulb 1 second after the previous, but if it has no bulbs it will regenerate the …
Lightning Bulb - Plants vs. Zombies Character Creator Wiki
Lightning Bulb is a seedium seasonal plant that was introduced in the new v8.6.2 update in Plants vs. Zombies 2. He was available for purchase in the "Lightning. Lightning Bulb zaps zombies …
Bulb Bowling - Plants vs. Zombies 2: Alternate UniverZ Wiki
There are four types of bulbs (Turquoise, Blue, Orange, and Energized), which deal different damage. Additionally, the turquoise bulb now freezes zombies on impact. The player must …
Light Bulb | Plants vs. Zombies Character Creator Wiki | Fandom
The Light Bulb is the second fog removing plant in the PvZ franchise. The plant refers to the real-life electronic light bulb, where its toggleability is inspired by the toggleability of light bulbs in …
Bulb Bowling - Plants vs. Zombies 2: Project ECLISE Wiki
Bulb Bowling levels are certain levels in ECLISE exclusively for the Bowling Party epic quest. It is based on the Wall-nut Bowling mini-game from Plants vs. Zombies and an obtainable Plant …
Bulb Bowling - Plants vs Zombies 2 (GMXX Version) Wiki
Bulb Bowling is a Brain Buster in Plants vs Zombies 2: It's About Time (GMXX Version), and is exclusive to Big Wave Beach. In this Brain Buster, the player must defeat all zombies using …
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