Epiretinal Membranes - Patients - The American Society of …
(ERMs), also commonly known as cellophane maculopathy or macular puckers, are avascular (having few or no blood vessels), semitranslucent, fibrocellular membranes that form on the …
Macular Pucker: What It Is, Symptoms & Treatment - Cleveland Clinic
2023年2月6日 · A macular pucker is a wrinkling of your retina due to scar tissue. Other terms for this scar tissue are epiretinal membrane (ERM) or cellophane maculopathy. The retina is the …
Macular Pucker Treatment - Wills Eye Hospital - Philadelphia PA
Macular Pucker is a condition that is also referred to as epiretinal membrane, cellophane maculopathy, or surface wrinkling retinopathy. It is characterized by an abnormal, thin, …
Macular Pucker - National Eye Institute
2024年12月4日 · What is a macular pucker? A macular pucker is a rare eye condition that can make your vision wavy or distorted. Most of the time, experts don’t know what causes it. Many …
What Is Maculopathy? - All About Vision
2022年4月26日 · Cellophane maculopathy Cellophane maculopathy causes distorted and blurry central vision. It is the result of abnormal growth of a cellophane-like tissue, or membrane, …
Epiretinal membrane I Eye condition information - RNIB
Epiretinal membrane (ERM) is a condition where a sheet of naturally occurring cells develops on or above the surface of the central part of your retina, an area called the macula. ERM can …
Epiretinal Membranes (ERMs), also commonly known as cellophane maculopathy or macular puckers, are avascular (having few or no blood vessels), semi-translucent, fibrocellular …
Epiretinal Membrane - Eye Disorders - Merck Manual Consumer Version
Symptoms of epiretinal membrane may include blurred vision or distorted vision (for example, straight lines may appear wavy). Many people say that it seems like they are looking through …
Epiretinal membrane (macular pucker) - All About Vision
2022年5月3日 · This eye condition, also known as cellophane maculopathy or macular pucker , is different from macular degeneration and macular holes. When an ERM develops, a cellophane …
Macular Pucker - BrightFocus
2021年7月7日 · As the name suggests, it is caused by distortion or “squeezing” of the macula. The condition is sometimes called “cellophane maculopathy,” because it can be caused by a …