The Ergative Case - San José State University
The ergative case is hard to understand because it refers to something not found in English. Generally it has to do with a language having a special indication that the subject in a …
Ergative Verbs and Processes in English Grammar - ThoughtCo
2019年11月4日 · In an ergative language (such as Basque or Georgian, but not English), ergative is the grammatical case that identifies the noun phrase as the subject of a transitive verb. R.L. …
D. Ergative Case Systems: Overt case marking is a morphological realization of the distinguished status of the ergative among the direct arguments of a verb. In the simplest ergative system, …
Ergative case is said to mark transitive subjects, and it is widely as-sumed that this is true under the ordinary definition of transitive; how-ever, Bittner and Hale (1996) propose that ergative …
The patterns discussed herein demonstrate that the assignment of ergative case cannot be reduced to a single factor and should not be oversimplified. In addition, the patterns are …
ergative pattern of Case marking, even a modest foray into the realms of Case, agreement, binding, and scope relations, brings to light differences which cast serious doubt on the …
What's the difference between accusative, unaccusative, ergative…
2011年10月23日 · Ergative and accusative refer to cases (noun inflections). In languages that have it, accusative marks the objects of transitive verbs. Ergative case marks the subject of …
Varieties of Ergative | The Oxford Handbook of Case - Oxford …
Ergative case — also ergative marker or simply ergative — is the term given to the grammatical morpheme associated with the noun phrase functioning as subject of a transitive clause. In …
in some ergative languages, there are subjects of two-argument verbs that fail to receive ergative case. This latter point can be formulated as the Ergative Case Generalization (ECG, cf. …
Ergative-absolutive case marking ‘mother’ yabu (S or O) yabu Ngu (A) ‘father’ Numa (S or O) Numa-Ngu (A) So, in Dyirbal, S and O are grouped together (marked the same way) to the ex …
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