Woomera Prohibited Area (WPA) Home - Defence
Defence Base Woomera South Australia - The Woomera Prohibited Area and Coordination Office is a joint Federal-SA Government office responsible for implementing the management …
Maps of the Woomera Prohibited Area - Defence
Defence Base Woomera South Australia - Maps of the Woomera Prohibited Area. Defence Base Woomera South Australia - Maps of the Woomera Prohibited Area. Outdated browser. It …
伍默拉禁区 - 百度百科
澳大利亚联邦政府通过一项法案,决定开放南澳州矿产资源丰富的伍梅拉禁区(WPA,Woomera prohibited area),保守估计,该地区矿产资源价值在350亿澳元。立法委将制定该地区矿产勘 …
Woomera Prohibited Area Exclusion Periods - Defence
Sometimes permission to access the Stuart Highway, Olympic Dam Highway, Tarcoola to Darwin Railway line, and the Woomera Village is suspended during times of Defence testing. You …
Woomera Range Complex - Air Force
The Woomera Range Complex is located in the north-west pastoral region of South Australia, with the operational area of the Range encompassed by the ‘Woomera Prohibited Area’ (WPA), …
Woomera Prohibited Area - Energy & Mining
The Woomera Prohibited Area (WPA) covers an area of 122,000 square kilometres approximately 450 km NNW of Adelaide. The WPA is a Prohibited Area regulated by the Defence Act 1903 , …
伍默拉靶场综合体 - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰机wiki
伍默拉靶场综合体(Woomera Range Complex, WRC)是澳大利亚主要的军事和民用航空航天设施,位于澳大利亚南部,阿德莱德西北约450公里。 WRC由澳大利亚皇家空军(Royal …
Woomera Prohibited Area
The Woomera Prohibited Area (WPA) covers an area of 122,188 square kilometres approximately 450km NNW of Adelaide. The WPA is a globally unique military testing range and a key asset …
The Woomera Prohibited Area (WPA) is declared under Defence Force Regulation 35 as a prohibited area for the purposes of ‘the testing of war material’. The WPA is in the north-west …
Woomera Prohibited Area Visits & Tourism - Defence
Travelling through the Woomera Prohibited Area. You can access the following areas in the WPA without a permit as long as you don't leave the authorised route: Stuart Highway; Olympic …