Airspeed is... WTF... alive? - Pilots of America
Feb 16, 2016 · "Airspeed alive" means that the aircraft has passed this speed and the airspeed indicator has started to move above the minimum speed that it can display. Also it helps to validate that both the indicator is working and that you are making speed at the expected rate.
What does 'Airspeed is alive' mean? - Pilots of America
Mar 4, 2020 · "Airspeed Alive" is an acknowledgement that the needle has "come alive" and is indicating airspeed. If it does not come alive when it should, the takeoff would be aborted. That could be caused by an improper preflight (forgetting that the pitot tube cover is still installed), water/bugs/some other obstruction in the pitot tube, pitot tube ...
Checklist acronyms and sayings - Pilots of America
Feb 23, 2005 · Callouts for the approach: Localizer alive, Glideslope alive, 500, 200, and 100 feet for each descent, and DH/MAP. And, of course, the 5 T's. Turn, Time, Twist, Throttle, Talk. My cruise checklist isn't so much a memory device as an "I already have it memorized anyway" type of thing. Trim, Time, Lights, Pump, Power, Mixture, Compass, Cowl flaps.
Battery maintainer for cold weather | Pilots of America
Mar 15, 2016 · We have a couple of vehicles that live in the cold weather and don’t get driven every day. Cold weather means North Dakota, about 3 months of temperatures ranging from -20 up to 20. What’s the best thing to do for their batteries, other than removing them and keeping them someplace warm for the...
Lube for propane connection valve? | Pilots of America
Jan 3, 2007 · I'm using a large propane torch on the asphalt on my taxiway. The torch hasn't been used in years and the ball check valve going into the main propane tank is needing to be freed up and lubed. I am thinking just LPS2. But I don't want any explosions or whatever. Is there something better...
P-lead wire and start issues | Pilots of America
Aug 14, 2008 · IO-360, hard to start. Does not fire for a while, then magically comes alive with a smooth running engine. Cold, hot, flooded, you name it, same results. However, fires right up when you remove the P-lead on the 25 hour old left mag (which has the only impulse coupling) in each and every situation.
Is an accident career ending? - Pilots of America
Sep 4, 2021 · A friend of mine was a 19 year old Cobra pilot in Vietnam. He once told me he did a lot of stupid things that could have gotten him killed be cause he didn't know any better. He said that it helped him learn his and the aircraft's limitations, which ultimately kept him alive in combat.
Basic Med - Got to Love It | Pilots of America
Oct 16, 2019 · Even if you're alive to push it, the GA autoland system that I know of puts you over the threshold of a nearby airport (if possible) at 5' AGL. After that, it's up to the occupants. If there's nobody who can land, it's probably off the runway. …
What happened to my cylinder on start? | Pilots of America
Jan 16, 2024 · 6 is normal on most days but on this flight it definitely took its time coming alive (see pic attached). Probability of two cylinders experiencing stuck valves at the same time seems very low. Second I went back to my engine monitor data as far back as I could and this condition has been periodically happening for the last 2 years.
TSA and missing persons | Pilots of America
Aug 18, 2015 · She has been located, alive, mentally not well, but alive. Thank you for your prayers. I say the following as an example of anyone else ever has to deal with this: As above, I had to advocate for our family. I worked cooperatively with Indy Metro PD and told the detective I had time as I’m retired. He gave me the last know license plate hit ...