Home - World Green Building Council
The World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) catalyses the uptake of sustainable and decarbonised built environments for everyone, everywhere. We work with businesses, organisations and governments to deliver on the ambitions of the Paris Agreement and UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development.
The Commitment - World Green Building Council
The Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment is developed to recognise and promote advanced climate leadership action from businesses, organisations, cities and subnational governments in decarbonising the built environment, to inspire others to take similar action and remove barriers to …
Our mission - World Green Building Council
In 1993, the first Green Building Council was founded – and a global movement was born. The US Green Building Council (USGBC) was formed by Rick Fedrizzi, David Gottfried (previous CEO), and Mike Italiano, with a mission to promote sustainability-focused practices in the building and construction industry, and for the first time, bring together all …
Advancing Net Zero - World Green Building Council
Advancing Net Zero is WorldGBC’s global programme working towards total sector decarbonisation by 2050. Working with Green Building Councils across the network to develop tools, programmes and resources to promote the urgency and achievability of net zero carbon buildings and build industry capacity to deliver them.
Reports - World Green Building Council
Our global and regional reports focus on a holistic approach to sustainability in the built environment, showcasing existing solutions, frameworks, tools and case studies to deliver on the 2030 decarbonisation and sustainability goals for the building and construction sector.
Bringing Embodied Carbon Upfront - World Green Building Council
The World Green Building Council’s pioneering report “Bringing Embodied Carbon Upfront: Coordinated action for the building and construction sector to tackle embodied carbon” demands radical cross-sector coordination to revolutionise the buildings and construction sector towards a net zero future, and tackle embodied carbon emissions. ...
Whole Life Carbon Vision - World Green Building Council
Definition. When the amount of carbon dioxide emissions associated with building operations on an annual basis is reduced (highly energy efficient and fully powered from on-site and/or off-site renewable energy sources) to a level that is consistent with reaching net zero at the global or sector level in 1.5 o C pathways. Any residual emissions that …
Careers - World Green Building Council
We pride ourselves in making our organisation what we believe to be one of the best places to work in the world. Working at WorldGBC provides unique benefits and compelling job opportunities that align with our mission and values, and we strive continuously to create a rewarding and energising work environment that supports every staff member in …
Europe - World Green Building Council
Each Regional Network works together towards the goals of our global strategy. The Green Building Councils within the Europe Regional Network accelerate the uptake of our global programmes, and lead tailored regional projects that meet the needs of the local market, helping to achieve sustainable built environments for everyone, everywhere.
WGBW23 - World Green Building Council
This World Green Building Week 2023 we’re #BuildingTheTransition. From 11–15 September 2023, we’re calling on the global building and construction sector to accelerate the transition to secure an energy efficient, regenerative and just future for all.