NHD Watershed Tool | U.S. Geological Survey - USGS.gov
National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Watershed is an ArcView (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., 1996) extension tool that allows users to delineate a watershed from any point on any NHD reach in a fast, accurate, and reliable manner.
Watershed delineation - Wikipedia
Watershed delineation is the process of identifying the boundary of a watershed, also referred to as a catchment, drainage basin, or river basin. It is an important step in many areas of environmental science, engineering, and management, for example to study flooding, aquatic habitat, or water pollution.
Global Watersheds
Free web app for fast, accurate watershed delineation anywhere on Earth Free, easy-to-use web app that lets you find the watersheds for anywhere on Earth. Try it and start seeing our world in surprising new ways.
WHY DELINEATE • Delineated watersheds are required for HSPF modeling and for BASINS watershed characterization reports • So we can characterize and investigate what is going on in one portion of the study area versus another. • Delineation is part of the process known as watershed segmentation, i.e., dividing the
The first step in doing any kind of hydrologic modeling involves delineating streams and watersheds, and getting some basic watershed properties such as area, slope, flow length, and stream network density.
The Automatic Watershed Delineation tool delineates watersheds in BASINS from an elevation grid and, optionally, a pre-digitized stream network ( Reach File Version 1 , NHD , or user provided blue lines).
This manual describes procedures for delineating watersheds at any point on a stream or river, then calculating a suite of watershed characteristics, including land use composition, base flow, channel slope and sinuosity, watershed slope, and enumeration of …
Delineating a Watershed The following procedure and example will help you locate and connect all of the high points around a watershed on a topographic map shown in Figure F-4 below.
Delineating Watersheds—A First Step Toward Effective …
1998年1月8日 · Watershed Delineation: A common method of locating and delineating the boundaries of watersheds is to use topographic maps following the basic principle that water runs downhill. A topographic map represents the physical features of the land such as hills, valleys, basins, ridges, and channels.
Watershed: Definition, Delineation and Characteristics
Delineation of watersheds is the first step to proceed further on integrated watershed modelling and management. There are two ways of watershed delineation. These are the traditional way through topographic sheets and automated watershed delineation using GIS technology.