Holy Win - Symbol... - Vagrant Story - GameFAQs
What symbol is on the Holy Win? The Rood or the Blood Sin? The Rood, I suppose. The Blood Sin is just the Rood Inverse. When Sydney has the tattoo, the hilt is at the top of his back (I think). I...
Grimoires, Sigils, Keys, and Other Inventory Items in Vagrant Story
Vagrant Story relies heavily on inventory items as part of gameplay; usually consumable, except for "Key" items. Items can be accessed either from the main menu, with the Triangle button, or by holding the second left shoulder button (L2) and tapping the Up button on the D-Pad or joystick.
Vagrant Story - Wikipedia
Vagrant Story is a solo action role-playing game, in which the player controls Ashley Riot from a third-person perspective while exploring Leá Monde and the catacombs underneath. The player may also switch into first-person perspective to allow for a 360° view using the START button or right analog stick on the game controller .
Blood-Sin | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
The Blood-Sin (血まみれの罪, Chimamire no tsumi?), also known as Rood Inverse, is a tattoo of great power in Vagrant Story. The Blood-Sin is in the background when the player summons, though the summon transition was removed in The Zodiac Age.
Vagrant Story Wiki - Fandom
Vagrant Story, also known as The Phantom Pain, is a console role-playing game developed and published by Square Co., Ltd. (now Square Enix) for the Sony PlayStation video game console. The game features a focus on weapon modification and creation.
A guide for the perplexed: if you, like me, were confused by
And of course the most prominent symbol found in the game, and the major macguffin of the plot, is the "Blood-Sin"- the tattoo also known as the Rood Inverse. It's a very not so subtle reference...
Blood-Sin | The Evil Wiki | Fandom
The Blood-Sin (in Japanese: ブラッド・シン, Buraddo Shin), also known as the Rood Inverse (in Japanese: ルード逆, Rūdo Gyaku, Rood of Iocus (in Japanese: ルーッド オフ イオカス, Ruuddo ofu Iokasu), Holy Win (in Japanese: 聖なる勝利, Seinaru shōri), and Ensanguined Rood in Japanese: エンサングイネッド ルー ...
Vagrant Story | Squarewiki - Fandom
The Grand Cathedral towers over the town centre, a symbol of Leá Monde's indomitable spirit, and is the ground of the devout Iocus priesthood.
The Blood Sin question - Vagrant Story - GameFAQs
Holy symbol points up, BloodSin- down. It's turned upside down as a representation of sin, the same way an inverted Christian cross is representative of evil and Satan. One interesting question...
Magic in Vagrant Story
Magic in Vagrant Story utilizes the same wireframe targeting system as for physical attacks. Certain magic spells allow the player to affect multiple targets by using a small sphere positioned within the Battle Mode wire frame.