Star Trek: 10 Best Uhura Moments, Ranked - CBR
2022年8月12日 · Throughout the episode, Uhura spied on communications to get information for Kirk and risked her life by pretending to seduce Mirror Sulu before pulling a knife on him. Uhura also successfully disarmed Marlena Moreau. Without Uhura's help, the crew would have been stuck in the alternate universe with no way home.
Nichelle Nichols: Uhura - IMDb
Mirror Sulu : [enraged] You take a lot of chances, Lieutenant. Uhura : [angrily drawing a knife] So do you, mister. So do you. Captain James T. Kirk : Communications status. Uhura : No storm damage, sir. All stations report normal. Uhura : You're ordered to annihilate the Halkans unless they comply. No alternative.
EXCLUSIVE! ‘Into Darkness’ Deleted Scenes, Part I
2014年2月26日 · Taking advantage of the distraction, Uhura grabs the knife from the Klingon and stabs him in the leg as Kirk and company come out of their ship firing. While the original version of this confrontation allows Uhura to come across as a stronger and a much more capable officer, but at the same time, it has Kirk screwing up the whole thing by ...
Reflecting on Nichelle Nichols as Uhura – Women at Warp
2022年12月28日 · Uhura charms Sulu then smacks him nearly hard enough to unseat him, holding him at knife point as she exits the bridge. This scene is even more impressive as she expressed fear to Kirk earlier while the regular crew was formulating a …
妮欧塔·乌乎拉 - 百度百科
妮欧塔·乌乎拉是电视剧《星际旅行》中的一个虚构角色,由尼切尔·尼科尔斯(Nichelle Nichols)、 佐伊·索尔达娜 饰演。 妮欧塔·乌乎拉,出现在电视系列剧《初代》以及前六部及第十一部《星际旅行》电影里,她是星舰“ 进取号 ”(NCC-1701以及NCC-1701-A)上的总通讯官。 乌乎拉在2266年加入星舰 进取号,成为航员组的一员。 一开始是以上尉的军衔担任柯克舰长手下的总通讯官。 在进取号的五年任务里,她一直坚守这个岗位。 在2271年星舰重新整修之后,她 …
“Mirror Mirror” is the episode Uhura first proves how bad ... - Reddit
2019年1月2日 · She first seems terrified at being flung into the Mirror Universe and is promptly abandoned on the bridge with the Mirror Crew. But she adapts to the situation quickly and does an awesome job getting the upper hand on Mirror Sulu with her knives. Overall it was a great indication of how bad-ass Uhura can be. Archived post.
Nichelle Nichols’ top 5 moments as Uhura in Star Trek
2022年8月1日 · Here are five Uhura moments from Star Trek episodes and movies that stay with me the most. The Kelvin-timeline Trek films weren’t the franchise’s first projects to suggest romantic possibilities for Lt. Uhura and Mr. Spock.
2019年9月17日 · Sulu and Riley try to stop him but they fail he stabbed himself with the common utensil puncturing his chest as if it were warm butter—which really must’ve hurt considering it’s a dull butter knife—Riley calls in a medical emergency.
STAR TREK TOP FIVE: Uhura Moments | by John E. Price | Medium
2022年8月3日 · Uhura is a badass. Unfortunately, in many ways, her character didn’t do a whole lot on TOS — and especially in the movies. However, whenever she did have something to do, it was usually...
Uhura's boot knife - BladeForums.com
2014年7月10日 · Perhaps Captain Kirk would have been a bit more scrupulous had lady Uhura had her boot knife equipped that historic day. UPDATE: Re-watched "TV's first... Knife Exchange