The Generation III Extended Cold Weather Clothing System (GEN III ECWCS) was designed to be functional in multiple cold weather climates and activities. It consists of a versatile, multi-layered insulating system that allows the Soldier to adapt to varying mission requirements and environmental conditions.
The multi-layered insulating system of the Generation III Extended Cold Weather Clothing System (GEN III ECWCS) allows the Soldier to adapt to varying mission requirements and...
This guidebook provides wear and care guidance for cold weath-er clothing fielded by the Program Manager, Infantry Combat Corps Order (MCO) P1020.34H Marine Corps Uniform Regula-tions. The...
Wear guidance for cold weather clothing fielded by the Program Manager, Infantry Combat Equipment, Marine Corps Systems Command (PM ICE, MARCORSYSCOM). *: Clothing levels can be added and removed based on personal comfort and activity level.
2018年9月26日 · MARINE CORPS SYSTEMS COMMAND Overview: The Extreme Cold Weather (ECW) Mitten System is comprised of a mitten shell with a removable mitten liner and a flame resistant light duty glove...
2018年12月28日 · MARINE CORPS SYSTEMS COMMAND Overview: The Extreme Cold Weather (ECW) Suit provides protection in extreme cold weather environments. It is an over garment that consists of a parka,...
2018年9月26日 · Overview: The Lightweight (LW) Flame Resistant (FR) Cold Weather (CW) Undershirt and Drawers are a next-to-skin, vapor transmission layer for provide flame resistant protection in cold...
2020年2月10日 · The MCWCP is a family of cold weather clothing items designed to support Marines operating in wet/cold and dry/cold or mountainous environments with a threshold temperature range from 4.4 to -31.6 °C (40 to -25 °F) when used as a system. The objective temperature range extends down to -37.2°C.