Typing.com - Clever
2019年5月28日 · Transform your class into joyful, confident digital citizens. Typing.com offers a comprehensive typing program featuring animated instructional videos and gamified learning. Fully customizable and aligned with ISTE, Common Core, TEKS, and other state standards.
Application gallery - Clever
Typing Agent Offering an engaging interface for students, Typing Agent has two complete keyboarding curriculums for both K-2 and 3-12, that meets Common Core State Standards and reinforces common blends, grade-level words and is completely adaptive, with enriching typing videos, fun games and exciting gamification features that boost student ...
Learn Touch Typing Free - TypingClub
Learn touch typing online using TypingClub's free typing courses. It includes 650 typing games, typing tests and videos.
TypingClub by edclub - Clever
2019年7月23日 · TypingClub helps students learn how to type while having an engaging and interactive experience. It features virtual keyboard and hand guides to show proper hand position, badges and stars to keep students motivated, games and videos to make learning fun, voice over that reads words aloud as you typ…
Learn to Type | Type Better | Type Faster - Typing.com
Join millions of Typing.com users and learn to type at your own pace with gamified lessons and student-led progression. Manage class and student-level settings and meet student needs with timed tests, custom lessons, auto reporting and more.
Typing Lessons - Learn To Type And Improve Typing Speed Free - Typing…
Learn to touch type and improve your typing speed with free interactive typing lessons for all ages. Start your typing practice now!
Typing Smart - Typing Test and Challenges
Typing Test Type Smart, Type Fast, Become the Master of the Race! Take Your Typing Skills to the Next Level. Login to Typing Wizard login
Log In - Typing.com
Build essential skills with our comprehensive curriculum including keyboarding, digital literacy, and coding! Don't have an account? Sign Up Free! Forgot your login info?
TypingClub is by far the most accessible typing software available. Students can increase their font size, choose a high-contrast theme, learn to type with one hand, activate the voice-over for audio guidance, or use their choice of screen-reader to learn how to type.
Typing Test
Typing Clever. Home; About; Challenge; Sign Up; Login; Typing Test. Time. Timer. 00.00 Right Words. 0 Wrong Words. 0 Accuracy. 0% Right Word Chars. 0 Char per minute. 0 Total Chars. 0 Word Per Min. 0 response ok nearly doctor put teacher reality run knowledge four scene force lot whole language appropriate within claim street industry military ...