Case Portable Steam Engine “Old 44” (1869)
This portable steam engine was built by the J.I. Case Company in 1869. There is only one Case steam engine in existence known to be older than this engine. The engine is known as” Old …
Early Steam Tractor Design - Farm Collector
A look at early steam tractor design and some of the oddest tractors in the early days of steam power on the farm.
Steam tractor - Wikipedia
A steam tractor is a tractor powered by a steam engine which is used for pulling. In North America , the term steam tractor usually refers to a type of agricultural tractor powered by a steam …
Development of the Steam Traction Engine in America (Part 1)
2014年12月7日 · The firm of C. & G. Cooper of Mt. Vernon, Ohio, was among the first to bring out a self propelled steam engine for farm use. From Mr. F. J. Luger, who was a pattern maker in …
A Partial History of J.I. Case & Co. - Farm Collector
Traction steam engines were made about 1876. These early models required a team hitched in front for steering. By 1885 this was changed by the use of steering chains wound about a shaft …
Case | Manitoba Agricultural Museum
By 1869, J.I. Case had begun the manufacture of steam engines. J.I. Case went on to manufacture over 30,000 steam engines with production of these machines by Case ending in …
Case #1 Portable Steam Engine - National Museum of American History
The first steam engine produced by the J.I. Case Company in 1869, "Old Number One," produced eight horsepower and was used primarily to run threshing machines and sawmills. Its boiler …
1869 J.I. Case Steam Engine - historylink101.com
1869 J.I. Case Steam Engine 8hp used in threshing and saw mill belt operations. Steam engine would be pulled by horse to the site and a belt would be attached to the large wheel on the left …
a steam-powered thresher that would work faster and out-perform the old horse-power method. He constructed his first portable steam engine in 1869, and won first place at the 1878 Paris …
2016年12月9日 · Minnis of Pennsylvania used a steam plowing engine equipped with movable tracks for breaking sod near Ames, Iowa. The U.S. De-partment of Agriculture praised this …