What is substinence farming? - BYJU'S
Areas, where intensive subsistence agriculture is carried, are prevalent in the thickly populated areas of the monsoon regions of the south, southeast and east Asia. Primitive subsistence …
What do you understand by subsistence farming? - BYJU'S
The farming by middle farmer falls in the category of subsistence farming. View More.
Mention the difference between primitive and intensive …
Primitive Subsistence Farming: Intensive subsistence farming: It is one of the earliest farming methods to be trained because it utilises primitive tools and is carried out on a small-scale. In …
CBSE Notes Class 8 Social Science Geography Chapter 4-Agriculture
Subsistence farming and Commercial farming– The main types of farming depend upon the geographical conditions, demand for produce, labour and level of technology. Subsistence …
Explain the terms, subsistence farming, commercial farming
2023年6月13日 · In subsistence farming, farming is done in small scale level to meet the own consumption level’s of the producer. Usually fragmented lands are used for cultivation and …
Distinguish between the following. i Primary activities and tertiary ...
Farming varies from subsistence to commercial type. (iii) Intensive Farming. In areas having high population pressure on land, intensive farming is practiced. Intensive farming requires …
Subsistence farming- classified as intensive subsistence and primitive subsistence farming. Subsistence farming Intensive subsistence agriculture Primitive subsistence agriculture The …
CBSE Notes Class 10 Geography Chapter 4 - Agriculture - BYJU'S
Types of Farming. The cultivation methods depend upon the characteristics of the physical environment, technological know-how and socio-cultural practices. Farming varies from …
Farming systems in India - GKToday
2014年12月20日 · Commercial farming. Just the opposite to subsistence farming. Farming is done to sell in the market. Involves use of modern tools and techniques of farming, irrigation, …
farming systems are practised. Primitive Subsistence Farming This type of farming is still practised in few pockets of India. Primitive subsistence agriculture is practised on small …