Strat Chat - Delphi Forums
Strat Chat - strat-o-matic games apba v-play som replay board games tabletop dice - Welcome to the strat forum! A place to talk about the greatest game around Strat-O-matic!!!!! New and old players are welcom. I am fairly new to Srat myself after playing APBA for years.
Strat-O-Matic Gamer Forum 2 - Delphi Forums
Discussion of all things relating to Strat-O-Matic sports simulation games Please participate in any of the discussions listed on the left or post your own new discussion. This message board will allow you to help keep in touch with contacts, exchange ideas, post files for discussion, and maintain a searchable archive of all conversations.
Strat-O-Matic's Monthly Surprises [tabletopsports 44731.110]
STRAT FAN cards would be a great monthly surprise offer, but I think the only way they will be available is on to the secondary market. To me, those cards--produced by Strat Fan magazine from 1987-1993--are gold. Here's the disclaimer that was printed in the old Strat Fan magazine issues: Notice to readers: STRAT FAN is published independently. It is not part of the Strat-O …
Strat-O-Matic Gamer Forum 2
2023年8月11日 · Strat-O-Matic Gamer Forum 2 - Scoreboard for SADV Football gameplay - I've created an electronic scoreboard to use when playing Strat-O-Matic Football Advanced/Super Advanced gameplay. I've shared this YouTube Video to kind of show the features of this scoreboard. I'll post additional videos with more gameplay as well.
Table Top Sports
2023年1月28日 · Table Top Sports - Scoreboard for SOM football SADV - I've created an electronic scoreboard to use when playing Strat-O-Matic Football Advanced/Super Advanced gameplay. Still putting my own sanity checks on it however my tweaking has come to a crawl so I think I'm about finished with this version.
4th Street Software - Delphi Forums
160 pages, print or e-version. This is the fifth issue of Sports Sim Magazine, a periodical focusing primarily on new and existing sports simulation games. For sports fans who have played or still play games such as those created by the Strat-O-Matic game company, there has always been a draw to replaying your favorite teams, players, and seasons.
Table Top Sports - Delphi Forums
Table Top Sports - Strat-O-Matic Football Fan-Created Sets - It's a fun game once you get the flow down. The teams that I'm providing are fun to play. The 1948 teams have "elementary defense" and advanced, the others have advanced only. I think elementary defense is better to start with if you are playing solitaire. --Dave
Table Top Sports - Delphi Forums
Discussions on all forms of sports board games. Baseball, Football, Hockey, Basketball, Boxing, etc.
strat-o-matic fanatics zone. stratomatic fanatics unite! don't sweat the small stuff, this is our hobby ...
Table Top Sports - Delphi Forums
2022年2月20日 · I ignore Strat-O-Matic's [and all other game company's] subjective and commercialized laughing gas fielder range ratings. I use Baseball Reference which I've come to take as gospel on fielding, after extensive review. These four columns in BBR fielding are examined for older seasons: