This Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) describes the Department’s storm water management program to address the requirements of the 2017 MS4 Permit to minimize its impact on water quality for water bodies receiving stormwater discharges from its facilities.
Stormwater management challenges like overflow mitigation, capacity increase with no new infrastructure, accurate and cost effective future growth, among others, can be addressed with these new data-driven models.
Stormwater Management Plan Best Management Practices This Stormwater Management Plan groups s tormwater best management practices according to permit requirements into the following sections: 1. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination . 2. Industrial and Commercial Facilities . 3. Construction Site Runoff Control . 4. Education and Outreach ...
If you are responsible for erosion and sediment control and stormwater management at a permitted construction site, then this guide may be useful to you. This guide is designed to walk you through the steps for developing and implementing an effective stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP). The basic outline of the guide is presented below:
Here is sample language. This Municipal Stormwater Management Plan (MSWMP) documents the strategy for the ABC Township (“the Township”) to address stormwater-related impacts. The creation of this plan is required by N.J.A.C. 7:14A-25 Municipal Stormwater Regulations.
Planning for long-term stormwater management can create opportunities for communities to use stormwater as a resource, invest in resilient infrastructure, revitalize waterways, and introduce green space to make communities more enjoyable and welcoming.
The objectives of the Stormwater Management Plan are to: Preserve as best possible the natural habitats on-site and to minimise erosion. Preserve or recreate the structural integrity of natural plant communities.
The template has been developed to assist Permittees in creating or revising their written Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) Document to comply with their NPDES Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) in …
Goals of Stormwater Management Planning (NJAC 7:8-2.2) The NJDEP stormwater regulations provides authority for municipalities to develop stormwater management plans and stormwater ordinances, and the following planning goals should be incorporated into those local efforts: 1. Reduce flood damage, including damage to life and property; 2.