CG Range and Static Margin Question - Homebuilt Aircraft & Kit …
2011年12月1日 · In Raymer's "Simplified" book he states that Static Margin should be between 12% and 20% for a tractor configuration, and 3%-5% less than this for a pusher. I just want to be sure that I interpret this correctly. Does this imply a certain range for …
Problem with static margin and neutral point
2019年2月26日 · static margin should be around 10% MAC; According to my simulations, the NP for the complete aircraft is located approximately at 84% MAC (26% for wing alone or 93% for wing+tail excl. fuselage). This would mean that my static margin for CoG = 25% would be 59%!!! (SM=NP-XCg). I checked this against other aircraft, but they look similar...
Help: Longitudinal stability and static margin | Homebuilt Aircraft ...
2009年2月17日 · Become a Premium Member today! Welcome aboard HomebuiltAirplanes.com, your destination for connecting with a thriving community of more than 10,000 active members, all passionate
Static Margin too low (4.5%). What to do?
2020年7月24日 · Dearest Nutters. Am grinding through endless calculations, as one does, and unhappily discovered me Static Margin is too low. Only 4.5%. What are my options? I’m a MetricMan, sorry.
Mark Drela on "Lift sharing vs. configuration at zero static margin ...
2005年9月10日 · For each area fraction, there is a corresponding lift sharing fraction between the front and rear surface, which is biased by the airfoil Cm and also by the static margin. Some useful observations: 1) As you approach the 0% or 100% (flying plank) cases, stall limits on the smaller surface force you towards a narrow Cm/stability margin combination.
Static Longitudinal Stability | Homebuilt Aircraft & Kit Plane Forum
2009年10月27日 · The method presented is to add up the dC_m/dC_L contributions of the wing, tail, and fuselage. This sum should be negative for stability, and the equation (5-32) can be rewritten to determine the neutral point (eq. 5-35) and thus to find the static margin for any c.g. position. I have worked my way up to equation 5-32:
Widening a fuselage radically alters the static margin?
2008年1月3日 · Hi, OK - I know the formula used to calculate the static margin includes the width of the fuselage as a term, and that according to the formula if you widen the fuse, you reduce the SM - but I just don't get it... The Razorback single seat is …
Problem with static margin and neutral point | Page 2 | Homebuilt ...
2007年4月17日 · Without fuselage the NP that you get from VLM agrees reasonably with the approximation. In fact if I adjust for tail height (decreases de/da) and the fact that you have an airfoil with NP at 26%, I get 67%. I am assuming in the vlm you included the tail height. Btw what do you get with fuselage...
Hand Calc Static Margins vs. Viscous CFD
2014年10月1日 · Has anybody here compared a hand calculated static margin to a viscous CFD solution that has a fair amount of detail in the model (landing, gear exhaust pipes, some control surface gaps)? Thanks, Flyboy2160
A flying wing without a change in static margin with payload
2017年6月23日 · I mentioned this in the current flying wing thread, but it appears that no one noticed. Or at least no one commented, so here it is in its own thread. I used to think that you could not put the pilot "at the CG", since the CG would then …