Starfield Andreja Romance & Marriage Guide - PowerPyx
2023年8月31日 · Andreja is a Companion in Starfield who can be romanced and married. This guide explains all steps to build a romantic relationship with Andreja, make her your girlfriend and marry her for the Starcrossed Achievement. The gender of your own character doesn’t matter, none of the Companions care about your gender and it can be changed any time ...
Andreja Romance Guide: All Likes and Dislikes | Starfield|Game8
2023年9月25日 · Read on to learn how to romance Andreja, her likes and dislikes, how to recruit and where to find Andreja, and her skills. Andreja becomes a romanceable companion once you finish her companion quest Divided Loyalties. After completing her quest, speak with Andreja in the Lodge and choose the Romance dialogue to start romancing her.
Andreja - Starfield Wiki
Andreja is one of the 4 Marriage Candidates in Starfield. She is a member of Constellation, having joined in 2328. Andreja is from the House of Va'ruun. This can either be revealed during a random conversation with Sarah when both are on board your ship, …
Starfield:Andreja - Starfield Wiki
Andreja is a reserved woman with a somber demeanor, who is clearly at odds with the common customs and habits of the settled systems. Many of her interactions with the other members of Constellation revolve around her social inadequacies and misunderstanding of innocuous aspects of life, from turns of phrases to various traditions.
How to Romance Starfield ’s Best Companion, Andreja - Inverse
2024年2月20日 · Players will receive several missions that introduce them to all of Starfield ’s companions, one such quest is “Into the Unknown”. Once you finish her mission you will be able to recruit...
Starfield - How To Romance Andreja - GameSpot
2023年9月15日 · Starfield Andreja romance and Divided Loyalties companion quest guide. How to romance Andreja: Likes and dislikes; Divided Loyalties quest; Jaeda and Tomisar; Concluding the...
Starfield:Companion - Andreja - Starfield Wiki
On the PC, it is possible to use the console to advance through the mission by entering setstage COM_Companion_Andreja stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) mission stages, but it is possible to clear all stages of the mission using resetquest COM_Companion_Andreja .
Andreja - Starfield Guide - IGN
2023年10月3日 · You will get the chance to recruit Andreja after completing the Into the Unknown main quest. Find and complete the mission with Andreja before bringing the artifact back to the Lodge in New...
Andreja in Starfield: Complete companion and romance guide
2023年9月4日 · Andreja has turned out to be one of the most popular core companions in Starfield, with many players looking to recruit her and complete her companion questline. As she can be romanced, you...
Andreja Romance Guide in Starfield - Andreja - Companions
Andreja is the fourth member of Constellation that you can romance in Starfield. After doing some errands finding more Artifacts for Constellation, you’ll eventually run into Andreja on one of the mining nodes. From here, you can get her as an active companion and learn more about her character, storyline, etc.