Histology & Anatomy of Fetal Pig - College of the Canyons
Spleen. The spleen lies between the stomach and the diaphragm in the upper left hand side of the abdominal cavity. It is flat, oblong gland (with a tongue-like appearance) that sits on top of the …
Chapter 11. Fetal Pig Dissection – Anatomy and Physiology 2 Lab …
The spleen is an elongate, flattened, brownish organ that extends along the posterior part of the stomach ventral to (above) the pancreas. The cecum is a blind pouch where the small …
Spleen - How to dissect a fetal pig
The spleen is found superior to the pancreas , near the stomach and kidneys. It is an elongated organ that may drape down vertically. It's primary purpose is to act as a blood filter. To find …
Stomach and Spleen - Whitman College
Inside the stomach are rugae, ridges that increase the surface area of the stomach and stretch out to increase stomach volume when the stomach is full. Spleen. The spleen is found along …
Descriptive words are used to describe “where” on an animal. Like using North, South, East, or West for locations on a map. Proximal -- located close to sagittal line of the body. DEMO …
What does the spleen look like in a fetal pig? - Quick-Advice.com
2020年3月1日 · What does the spleen look like in a fetal pig? The spleen lies between the stomach and the diaphragm in the upper left hand side of the abdominal cavity. It is flat, …
Liver, Pancrease, Spleen - Fetal Pig Anatomy Lab
To locate the pancreas you will need to push aside the stomach and large and small intestines. The pancreas is located deep to the spleen and dorsal to the stomach and intestines. An easy …
Histology & Anatomy of Fetal Pig - Abdominal - College of the Canyons
Click on the Spleen to view a description of the organ. Click on the Small Intestine to view a description of the organ. Click on the Large Intestine to view a description of the organ.
Fetal Pig Dissection - Biology LibreTexts
Spleen: a flattened organ that lies across the stomach and toward the extreme left side of the pig. The spleen stores blood and is not part of the digestive system. On the underside of the …
Fetal Pig Dissection and Lab Guide - The Biology Corner
Spleen: a flattened organ that lies across the stomach and toward the extreme left side of the pig. The spleen stores blood and is not part of the digestive system. On the underside of the …