meteorology - How to calculate specific humidity with relative …
2015年6月28日 · I know there is this question already How do I convert Relative Humidity into specific humidity. but I don't have ρws = density of water vapor (kg/m3) and ρ = density of the moist or humid air (kg/m3). Is there another way to calculate it? Also I have air pressure but it's in the range of 95000-96000.
How do I convert specific humidity to relative humidity?
2014年8月12日 · The right hand side is less accurate since it uses approximations but can be easier to use because it is in terms of temperature, pressure and specific humidity rather than mass mixing ratios of air and water vapor. $\endgroup$
What is the difference between surface specific humidity and …
2021年10月12日 · Specific humidity is how much actual water (vapor) is in the air. More warmth tends to mean more evaporation. Warming air also raises the limit of how much water it can hold in total. So a second reason specific humidity can go up is that it raises the cap level. On the other hand, relative humidity is just a measure of how full the air is. It ...
meteorology - How to calculate the specific humidity based on the ...
2021年2月23日 · I am using ERA5 data to drive the land surface model. One of the forcing required by LSM is specific humidity. We want to use the 2-m specific humidity. So how can I calculate the specific humidity based on dew point at 2 meters, surface pressure at 2 meters and temperature at 2 meters?
How does humidity vary with height in the Earth's atmosphere?
2016年11月4日 · $\begingroup$ Thank you for the answer, @gerrit. That helps a lot. As an example of what I really need, the MIL-F-8785C model for wind speed and turbulence gives the mean wind speed at a height of 6.1 m above the ground, given the logarithm of the probability of exceeding the wind speed.
How would I use data to find specific humidity and mixing ratio?
2018年3月2日 · The online calculator is giving you the specific humidity, which at a relative humidity of 43% is 43% of the saturation specific humidity at that temperature. Reading from the chart, a rough estimate for the saturation specific humidity is ~37.5 g/kg at 35°C. 43% of this is 16.1 g/kg, which is close to the value given by the calculator.
Calculate relative humidity - Earth Science Stack Exchange
2022年8月12日 · for ERA5 hourly data on single level relative humidity can not be downloaded. However, dewpoint temperature is given and in the description it is stated that "combined with temperature and pressure, it can be used to calculate the relative humidity". After some research I only found formulas that take temperature but not pressure into account.
How do I convert Relative Humidity into specific humidity
2015年6月24日 · If we know the relative humidity of the moist air and the water vapor density and density of the air, the specific humidity can be expressed as: x = 0.622 φ ρws / (ρ - ρws) 100% (1) where x = specific humidity of air vapor mixture (kg/kg) φ = relative humidity (%) ρws = density of water vapor (kg/m3) ρ = density of the moist or humid air ...
Convert air vapor pressure to relative humidity
2017年3月9日 · How to calculate specific humidity with relative humidity, temperature, and pressure. 4.
meteorology - Why is q used for specific humidity? - Earth Science ...
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