Space Wars - Videogame by Cinematronics | Museum of the Game
Space Wars is a Videogame by Cinematronics (circa 1977). Two player only game where each player flies around space and tries to shoot each other. Features include partial damage, …
New Space Wars - Videogame by SNK | Museum of the Game
New Space Wars is a Videogame by SNK (circa 1979). SNK's version of Galaxy Wars with new graphics, including the Yamato as the missile base.
Space War - Videogame by Vectorbeam | Museum of the Game
Space War by Vectorbeam. Space War was produced by Vectorbeam in 1977. Vectorbeam released 5 machines in our database under this trade name, starting in 1977. Vectorbeam was …
Game Census for Space Wars | Videogame & Arcade Preservation …
This Space Wars page is a list of all the collectors who own or want the coin-operated Videogame machine entitled Space Wars, manufactured by Cinematronics in 1977
Space Wars - Taito (Video Game, 1978) - Japan
The Arcade Flyer Archive (TAFA) presents Space Wars, a coin-operated Video Game by Taito (Japan, 1978)
Ozma Wars - Videogame by SNK - Museum of the Game
Ozma Wars is a Videogame by SNK (circa 1979). Shoot the alien ships, meteors and comets as they attack from the top of the screen. Destroy all the enemies before your energy runs out.
Space Micon Kit - Videogame by SNK | Museum of the Game
Space Micon Kit is a Videogame by SNK (circa 1979). Final game in the series of Breakout-like games from SNK. It combines elements of Super Breakout and the moving targets used in …
Road Wars - Videogame by Arcadia Systems | Museum of the Game
Road Wars is a Videogame by Arcadia Systems (circa 1988). An outer space car racing game where the player battles aliens in an attempt to win the race.
Space War (Leijac) - Videogame by Konami - Museum of the Game
Space War (Leijac) is a Videogame by Konami (circa 1979). Shoot the laser at the top of the screen before it shoots you. Also, shoot or hide behind the ships moving horizontally across …
Space Wars | Museum of the Game
MAME records for Space Wars, Manuals, ROM information. ... Video Game Coinop Flyers Patents; People; Video Game Cheats; Mold-A-Rama (Moldville) Statistics 100 Highest Rated …