What size sonotube?? - DIY Home Improvement Forum
2018年4月3日 · I just have a quick question, from what I've read online, people say that the sonotube needs to be double the size of the post, or pole you are using, or at least thats the …
Proper sizing for deck footings - DIY Home Improvement Forum
2010年2月9日 · The idea of a 17 inch diameter footing is really odd, since as far as I know sonotubes do not come in that size, I am not sure how you would build it. Also, a 17 inch …
Sonotube depth for footings - DIY Home Improvement Forum
2015年1月10日 · Dig your hole down to solid bedrock, then drill three 3/4 inch holes 6 inches deep into the bedrock, 120 degrees apart within the 12 inch diameter of the tube. Drill them at …
28x40 Cabin Beams on Sonotubes - DIY Home Improvement Forum
2020年4月6日 · We used a log kit, that had uniform 8" diameter logs, that stacked like "Lincoln Logs". using a 2" wide by 1/4" thick strip of foam insulation between each log, all the way up to …
Sonotubes DIY - DIY Home Improvement Forum
2025年1月6日 · Question is would anyone recommend using a sonotube to cover a ceiling 4x4 joint with tubes going along side of it to make a rounded effect on the ceiling going around it …
Help with Sonotube and Piers - DIY Home Improvement Forum
2017年3月29日 · The original quasi -"one size fits all" engineering calls for a specific depth and diameter of the columns which is 5ft deep x 20 inches diameter. The columns are also to be …
8" deck pier? - DIY Home Improvement Forum
2012年4月22日 · Talked to the concrete contractor, this is how he did it: drilled with 10" auger 4' deep, fill the hole with concrete to the ground surface, put 8" sonotube around 8" -12" long into …
Fence Posts - Sonotubes? - DIY Home Improvement Forum
2007年7月20日 · The 12" sonotube was questionable with the 6" post. Best case scenario would be a 4" post with the 12" tube or a 14-16" tube with the 6" post. Predicating a sonotube size …
sonotubes for retaining wall? - DIY Home Improvement Forum
2009年7月1日 · In my case, the limited space would make it virtually impossible to get long steel beams in place, so I was thinking that concrete poured into sonotubes could work in place of …
Slight drop in concrete level of sonotube? - DIY Home …
2017年9月11日 · 12" diameter footings, ~12" deep (warmer climate and a low-level, freestanding deck). The sonotube sections are ~6" long, so they only really contain the top few inches …