茄碱 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
茄碱 (Solanine),又称 龙葵碱 、 龍葵素 、 茄苷,是 茄科 物种中被发现的一种 糖苷生物碱 毒素,例如在 马铃薯 (Solanum tuberosum)、 番茄 (Solanum lycopersicum)和 茄子 (Solanum melongena)的物种中。 它可以在植物的任何部分自然发生,包括 叶子 、 果实 和 块茎。 茄碱具有杀虫特性,是植物自然防御之一。 茄碱首先在1820年从欧洲黑茄(龙葵, Solanum nigrum)的 浆果 中被分离出来,之后被命名 [1]。 茄碱由 β- D - 葡萄糖 、 D - 半乳糖 和 L - …
Solanine - Wikipedia
Solanine is a glycoalkaloid poison found in species of the nightshade family within the genus Solanum, such as the potato (Solanum tuberosum). It can occur naturally in any part of the plant, including the leaves, fruit, and tubers. Solanine has pesticidal properties, and it is one of the plant's natural defenses.
茄鹼 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
茄鹼(Solanine),又稱龍葵鹼、龍葵素、茄苷,是茄科物種中被發現的一種糖苷生物鹼毒素,例如在馬鈴薯( Solanum tuberosum )、番茄( Solanum lycopersicum )和茄子( Solanum melongena )的物種中。
龙葵素 - 百度百科
龙葵素(Solanine)是马铃薯发芽、变绿、溃烂后产生的一种有毒物质。 是一类有毒的甾体糖苷生物碱,分为α、β、γ三种,毒性较强,猪食后会中毒,人食入0.2~0.4g即可引起中毒。
Potato steroidal glycoalkaloids: properties, biosynthesis, regulation ...
2024年12月13日 · Steroidal glycoalkaloids (SGAs), predominantly comprising α-solanine (C45H73NO15) and α-chaconine (C45H73NO14), function as natural phytotoxins within potatoes. In addition to their other roles, these SGAs are crucial for enabling potato plants to withstand biotic stresses. However, they also exhibit toxicity towards humans and animals.
Solanine Poisoning: Effects, Risks, and Management Strategies
Consuming potatoes with increased solanine concentration can be highly risky for health and can lead to solanine poisoning. This review discusses solanine poisoning and its mechanism. Plants produce toxic substances to protect themselves against external factors such as …
Solanine | C45H73NO15 | CID 262500 - PubChem
One study suggests that the toxic mechanism of solanine is caused by the chemical's interaction with mitochondrial membranes. Experiments show that solanine exposure opens the potassium channels of mitochondria, decreasing their membrane potential. This in turn leads to Ca2+ being transported from the mitochondria into the cytoplasm, and it is ...
Solanine - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Solanine is a green-colored pigmented glycoalkaloid and acts as natural pesticide, also known as α-solanine (Fig. 12.2B). α-Solanine is naturally produced in the plants of the solanaceae family and other plants such as potatoes, tomatoes, apples, bell peppers, cherries, and sugar beets.
Bioactive steroidal alkaloids from the fruits of Solanum nigrum
The investigation of the fruits of Solanum nigrum led to the isolation of four previously undescribed steroidal alkaloids, named solanine A, 7α-OH khasianine, 7α-OH solamargine and 7α-OH solasonine, together with six known ones. The structures of the isolated compounds were elucidated unambiguously …
Solanin | C45H73NO15 | CID 9549171 - PubChem
Solanine is a glycoalkaloid poison found in species of the nightshade family (Solanaceae), such as the potato (Solanum tuberosum). It is a trisccharide derivative of solanidine [(22beta)-solanid-5-en-3beta-ol]. It has a role as a phytotoxin, an antineoplastic agent, an apoptosis inducer and a plant metabolite.