Soji Shimada - Wikipedia
Soji Shimada graduated from Seishikan High School in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture, and later Musashino Art University as a Commercial arts design major. [1]After spending years as a dump truck driver, free writer, and musician, he made his debut as a mystery writer in 1981 when The Tokyo Zodiac Murders was shortlisted for the Edogawa Rampo Prize. [2]
The Tokyo Zodiac Murders - Wikipedia
The Tokyo Zodiac Murders is the debut mystery novel of Soji Shimada, a Japanese musician and writer on astrology who is best known as the author of over 100 mystery novels. [2] Besides being Shimada's first novel and a best seller, it was nominated for the prestigious Edogawa Rampo Prize for mystery novels. [3]
岛田庄司 - 百度百科
岛田庄司( Shimada Soji)于1948年10月12日生于 广岛县 福山市 ,先后毕业于广岛县立福山诚之馆高校、 武藏野美术大学 (商业 美术设计专业 )。 毕业后当过翻斗卡车司机,写过插图与杂文,做过一段时间的占星师。
2000年7月9日 · ミステリ作家島田荘司公式サイト。全作品の書影を回廊に見立てた作品回廊の他、エッセイや賞の選評など、樣々な資料の ...
占星术杀人魔法 - 豆瓣读书
【作者】 岛田庄司(Soji Shimada) 日本推理小说家。1948年10月12日生于广岛县福山市。1981年以《占星术杀人魔法》出道,之后 ...
Soji Shimada - Book Series In Order
Soji Shimada has directly involved his reader and created a game within a book in which the reader is asked to play a role and share the stage with the unconventional and uncanny detective. The Murder in the Crooked House is a who done it mystery with clues, red herrings in the puzzle to help the reader solve the murder mysteries alongside the ...
Books by Sōji Shimada (Author of The Tokyo Zodiac Murders) - Goodreads
Sōji Shimada has 169 books on Goodreads with 76479 ratings. Sōji Shimada’s most popular book is The Tokyo Zodiac Murders.
Sōji Shimada (Author of The Tokyo Zodiac Murders) - Goodreads
― Soji Shimada, The Tokyo Zodiac Murders. 8 likes. Like “Saya mungkin berbeda dari orang lain, tetapi itulah yang menjadikan saya seorang seniman. Seni bukanlah meniru hasil karya orang lain; seni sejati hanya ada dalam perbedaan. Meskipun akan lebih mudah, saya tidak pernah mau mengikuti jejak orang lain.”
Soji Shimada - Red Circle
Soji Shimada; Soji Shimada born in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima in 1948, showed promise as a storyteller from a very young age. Initially, it was just telling his younger brother bedtime stories, as they lay next to each other in their futons in the room they shared, obviously these were mostly detective and adventure stories.
Soji Shimada - Manga Wiki
Biography []. Soji Shimada graduated from Seishikan High School in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture, and later Musashino Art University as a Commercial Arts design major.. After spending years as a dump truck driver, free writer, and musician, Shimada made his debut as a novelist in 1981 when The Tokyo Zodiac Murders (formerly known as Astrology’s Magic) remained as a finalist in the ...