Patrick Manson - Wikipedia
Sir Patrick Manson GCMG FRS (3 October 1844 – 9 April 1922) was a Scottish physician who made important discoveries in parasitology, and was a founder of the field of tropical medicine. …
萬巴德 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
萬巴德 爵士, GCMG (英語: Sir Patrick Manson,又譯白文信或孟生,1844年10月3日—1922年4月9日), 蘇格蘭 醫生,1866年到1880年間,曾到台灣 打狗 (高雄)、廈門、香 …
万巴德 - 百度百科
万巴德 爵士, GCMG ( 英语 :Sir Patrick Manson ,又译 白文信 或 孟生 ,1844年10月3日-1922年4月9日),苏格兰医生,被誉为“ 热带医学之父 ”。1865年于 鸭巴甸大学 毕业 …
Sir Patrick Manson | Medical Microbiology, Tropical Medicine ...
Sir Patrick Manson was a British parasitologist who founded the field of tropical medicine. He was the first to discover (1877–79) that an insect (mosquito) can be host to a developing parasite …
万巴德 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年11月25日 · 万巴德爵士,GCMG(英语: Sir Patrick Manson,又譯白文信或孟生 ,1844年10月3日—1922年4月9日),苏格兰医生,1866年到1880年间,曾到台湾打狗(高 …
Sir Patrick Manson – The Father of Tropical Medicine
On October 3, 1844, Scottish physician Sir Patrick Manson was born. He made important discoveries in parasitology, and was the founder of the field of tropical medicine. He was the …
Patrick Manson: A Physician Pioneer in Parasitology Research
Sir Patrick Manson was a pioneering British parasitologist and is recognized as the father of tropical medicine. He was the first to demonstrate, between 1877 and 1879, that mosquitoes …
Sir Patrick Manson—“Father of Tropical Medicine”
Patrick Manson (1844–1922) was born in Aberdeenshire, qualified in medicine from the University of Aberdeen in 1866, and joined the Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs Service as a medical …
Sir Patrick Manson | RCP Museum
Manson became in 1894 lecturer on tropical diseases at St. George’s Hospital — the first appointment of its kind in London — and four years later assumed the same duties at Charing …
Sir Patrick Manson - London Remembers
Founder of the original London School of Tropical Medicine, his Wikipedia page gives a biography of his life. Patrick Manson was born on 3 October 1844, the second of the eight children of …
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