Sin Chanchhaya, son of iconic singer Sin Sisamouth dies, 58
2015年1月21日 · Sin Chanchhaya, son of legendary Cambodian singer Sin Sisamouth and director of the Sin Sisamouth Association, has died. He was 58. Chanchhaya, who was also a musician and music teacher, passed away about 10:30am yesterday after suffering a fall and hitting his head at his Tuol Kork home.
Sinn Sisamouth - Wikipedia
Sisamouth's son Sinn Chanchhaya became a singer for the Cambodian Radio, though he admitted he could not be compared to his father. Chanchhaya died in 2015. [36]
ដួងតារាខ្ញុំអើយ - ស៊ិន ចាន់ឆាយ៉ា Sin Chanchhaya | ចម្រៀងទសវត្សរ៍៩០
ដួងតារាខ្ញុំអើយ - ស៊ិន ចាន់ឆាយ៉ា Sin Chanchhaya | ចម្រៀងទសវត្សរ៍៩០=====Follow ...
The Last of the Emperor’s Line - Khmer Times
2020年1月17日 · Back to the Sins’ house, next to Sisamuth’s bust is a picture of his son Sin Chanchhaya. Before he passed away in January 2015, at the age of 58, Chanchhaya was one of the two living children...
SIN Setsochhata – KlapYaHandz
SIN Setsochhata. Growing up in the capital city of post civil-war Phnom Penh, Sochhata, 27, is the only grand-daughter of Cambodian Music Legend Sin Sisamuth, also known among international media and World music fans, as the “Elvis Presley of Cambodia”.
Sin Setsochhata, Granddaughter of Cambodia’s music legend Sin …
2021年1月14日 · As a granddaughter of Cambodian music legend, Sin Sisamuth, a household name almost likened to the “Elvis Presley of Cambodia” loved and revered by international media and the global music fans, Sin Setsochhata, 27, is following the footstep of her grandfather, who wrote thousands of songs from the 1950s to the 1970s.
Overlooked No More: Sinn Sisamouth, ‘King’ of Cambodian Pop …
2021年9月9日 · Before the singer-songwriter Sinn Sisamouth disappeared, he had become a fixture on radio programs and in nightclubs in Cambodia and beyond. For more than two decades, from the 1950s until the...
【カンボジアの音楽】 Sin Setsochhata (=Sinn Sisamouthの孫)
2023年11月11日 · 💛Sin Setsochhata (シン・セットソチェッタ - ស៊ីន សេដ្ឋសុជ្ឈតា)とは? By:Sin Setsochhata Feat. Vin Vitou. 品があって、不思議な魅力💛 歌が上手いシンガーは沢山いるけれど、このふわっと溢れるオーラは唯一無二 楽曲の雰囲気+歌い方+仕草→センスの塊です。 もっと沢山の人に知ってほしい…🙏. この曲のFeaturingの Vin Vitou は最近1stアルバム出しました。 いつかまた、書きます😌. =「黄金時代のキングオブキングス」👑 もう少し、まとめます。 …
History & Tribute: Sinn Sisamouth and Ros Serey Sothea, icons of ...
Cambodia's rich musical heritage is to receive another historic tribute with the planned installation of a statue dedicated to Sinn Sisamouth, the legendary ‘singer with the golden voice’. The statue, to be erected along the picturesque Sekong River in the town of Stung Treng, will honour one of Cambodia's most influential musicians.
辛·西萨姆精选集(特别版) - 哔哩哔哩
辛·西萨姆(Sinn Sisamouth,1932.8.23~1976.6.18)是柬埔寨最具声望的歌唱家兼词曲作者。 被誉为“金边的猫王”和“高棉音乐之王”。 西萨姆在他二十余年的职业生涯中创作并演唱了两千多首歌曲,其中一部分至今仍被不断翻唱。 据他的儿子Sinn Chanchhaya(1965~2014)说,他的父亲在七十年代初“每天都会关在房间里创作至少一首歌曲”。 西萨姆还很热衷于将欧美、南美等地区的流行音乐引进到柬埔寨。 (@豆瓣) 辛·西萨姆(Sinn …
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