GODJUL1's Height Slider Updated - Mod The Sims
2023年9月2日 · If GODJUL1 ever updates the mod, I will take down this version. Lots of people are asking which slider I recommend: this one, or Luumia's. You should use this one if you want all sims in your game to have varying heights. You should use Luumia's if you only want sims you edit to have varying heights.
Mod The Sims - Height, Sliders, and Gradual Growth Mod
2023年7月6日 · The Height Slider Growth.package will make your Child and Teen sims grow taller day by day as they age! The Gradual Growth update will run however often you configure, or daily at 1am by default Will randomize the height of any Sim with a default height (defined as a Sim with no custom slider settings from this mod) *see RandomizeHeights in the ...
Height Slider - Mod The Sims
To use the mod in the game, all you need to do is drag the feet of your sims. Bigger feet means taller sims, smaller means shorter sims. NB! Only choose one! And remember to unzip the zip and place the .package file in our mods folder. I hope you guys like it. Conflicts Will conflict with any mod that changes these mods: 0x5773388F834E4180 ...
Mod The Sims - GODJUL1's Height Slider Updated
This mod is still working, so here's some troubleshooting tips:-Try reinstalling the mod in case something went wrong while downloading-Make sure it is no more than 5 folders deep in your mod folder-Make sure its been unzipped-Make sure mods are enabled in your game (the game auto-disables mods after most updates)
Shoulder Height Slider (All Genders) - Mod The Sims
2022年7月20日 · This has the added benefit of making the neck appear longer without increasing the sim's height. The height slider can be found in the front-facing shoulder section as shown in the preview images (up/down), the traps slider can be found in the back-facing preview images (up/down) and the shoulder bone slider can be found in the left and right ...
Mod The Sims - Height, Sliders, and Gradual Growth Mod
You can simply delete the Bulge Slider.package , although like the other non-height sliders, if you don't specifically use it, it won't have any effect - they shouldn't be randomized. If you're seeing any sims in the wild with non-0, non-height slider values that you didn't set, please let me know.
Mod The Sims - GODJUL1's Height Slider Updated
Unfortunately, no. This was a problem with the original mod and, as far as I'm aware, you cannot change how the camera behaves in CAS (or if you can, I do not know how to do it). This issue happens with other height mods too, it's just one of the things you have to deal with when you have a height slider.
[Testers Wanted] Sims Height Slider - Tall Version - Mod The Sims
This slider appears in the Head and Ears section, and only makes Sims taller. Thanks to jfade for tweaking the tall version! Note: If you really want to play with the short version, it's still in the package file - you just have to tick the Bi directional flag in the Blend Unit.
Sliders - Mod The Sims
Shoulder Height Slider (All Genders) - Updated 20th July 2022 by Hellfrozeover updated 20th Jul 2022 at 4:48pm Okay, so I said I wasn't doing requests, but I did quite like more...
Mod The Sims - Height, Sliders, and Gradual Growth Mod
The height changes in YA+ that occur at 1:00 am are the first-time height randomizations, just to mix up the height of all Sims and break up their sameness. It will only randomize the height of any Sim whose height has never been set by the mod. Set RandomizeHeights to false for each age group you don't want this to happen to; ex: