Lincoln-LM/swsh-overworld-shiny-patch - GitHub
2023年10月30日 · Patches/Cheats enabling shiny pokemon to be visible in the overworld in pokemon sword and shield. Updates moved to https://github.com/Lincoln-LM/swsh-mods-exl Topics
Releases · Lincoln-LM/swsh-overworld-shiny-patch - GitHub
2023年10月30日 · Patches/Cheats enabling shiny pokemon to be visible in the overworld in pokemon sword and shield. Updates moved to https://github.com/Lincoln-LM/swsh-mods-exl - Lincoln-LM/swsh-overworld-shiny-patch
swsh-overworld-shiny-patch/README.md at main - GitHub
Patches/Cheats enabling shiny pokemon to be visible in the overworld in pokemon sword and shield. Please do not re-share without crediting me ! The shiny odds boosting patch works by overwriting the "shiny rolls" parameter of pokemon generation to a constant value of 4095.
QoL Patches for "Renegade Platinum and Following Platinum ... - Reddit
2022年1月22日 · Pokémon - Following Renegade Platinum ICV.xdelta was built off of the base version of 1.9 of chensquared-art's patch. (ICV - Individual Color Variation) The shiny and speed-up patches were built off the base version of 1.9 of chensquared-art's patch but not against ICV, so if you patch PP+RG+FP and then ICV, xdelta will throw an error with these.
Complete Pokédexes to Earn Shiny Enamorus and Shiny Manaphy …
2025年1月28日 · Enjoy earning these special Shiny Pokémon, Trainers! Shiny Enamorus and Shiny Manaphy can be yours in Pokémon HOME by filling out your Hisui and Sinnoh Pokédexes.
Pokémon Renegade Platinum - ROM - Project Pokemon Forums
2019年4月18日 · There's documentation text files, a patch to change a Platinum ROM into a Renegade Platinum ROM, and then some additional patches which can be applied to a Renegade Platinum ROM which can give you the classic version (less Pokémon changes), increase speed and/or change the shiny rate.
Shiny Rate 100% (for non-shiny locked) via code.bin editing
2019年7月18日 · For non-shiny locked entries, this shiny patch will shinify wild encounters, static encounters, gifts, fishing, eggs when received from breeder, and wonder card redemptions. Note: this ROM patch may affect some event redemptions that were not meant to be shiny.
Pokeradar Shiny Chaining Guide - Pokemon Dungeon
2017年9月16日 · This means one thing: yes, Pokeradar can catch shinies with a chance better than the typical 1/ 8,192. Alright, so you have your brand new Pokeradar, and you walk into some random patch of grass. You use the Radar and some patches start moving. Walk into a patch, faint the wild Pokemon, and everything seems normal.
Patch: Shiny PID Reroller(Changing shiny odds)[Fire Red, Emerald]
2019年9月8日 · This hack allows you to change the shiny odds in Fire Red by making the game try a number of extra times to find a shiny Pokemon when an encounter occurs. It functions in essentially the same way as the Shiny Charm and things like the Masuda method do in later generation Pokemon titles.
The Guide to Chaining - Smogon University
Chaining can be done in any field of grass in Sinnoh large enough to sustain a successful chain, which turns out to be about a 9 by 9 square of patches. Conveniently, there is a chaining-ready field of grass on nearly every route in the region, allowing for a great variety of Pokémon to encounter, allowing you to chain a great variety of Pokémon.