c++ - How to deactivate setprecision? | DaniWeb - DaniWeb …
When there are several cout statements, if the first cout statement has, say, << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(4), then all the subsequent cout statements *without* these settings …
mathematics - C++ setprecision max amount of digits | DaniWeb
2011年10月27日 · hi, I already know how to use setprecision but the function wont let the round go up past 16. [CODE]# ...
c++ setprecision help! | DaniWeb
2011年4月6日 · setprecision only affects the next write operation. So you can setprecision on the numbers you want to have a fixed precision on and don't use it for those that you don't want …
c++ - setprecision | DaniWeb
entire code. #include <iostream> #include<iomanip> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() {char choice; ...
c++ - iomanip, setprecision - inprecise? | DaniWeb
2010年4月25日 · setprecision does nothting but increase decimal places at right. For example setprecision(2) for 2 will give 2.00 and setprecision(5) will give 2.00000 Which compiler do you …
c++ - setprecision causing runtime error [SOLVED] | DaniWeb
I have included iomanip and the program will run fine if I remove the setprecision manipulator. Thanks for any help. Here is the snippet of code where I'm trying to use setprecision, avgWait …
c++ setprecision help | DaniWeb
Software Development Forum . Discussion / Question . plang007-5 Junior Poster in Training
c++ - Setprecision is confusing | DaniWeb - DaniWeb Community
2011年4月12日 · I just want to ask about setprecision because I'm a bit confused. here's the code: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { double rate = x; …
Help - Expected Primary-Expression and - DaniWeb Community
Here is my code: [ICODE]#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() ...
c++ - Setprecision help please | DaniWeb
Hi, I am trying to use a command setprecision from the <iomanip.h> header. It works well when i declare the number of decimals to display to the right of the decimal point, however i am …