section view - PTC: Creo Parametric (Pro/ENGINEER) - Eng-Tips
2007年4月24日 · It is available only if you choose Full View or Partial View from the VIEW TYPE menu. 3. Select a center point for the view and orient the view as desired. 4. Create or retrieve a cross section for a local cross section to reference. Use commands in the XSEC ENTER menu. 5. Select a view for arrows or press the middle mouse button for none. 6.
Revit Section View Range - Autodesk Community
2018年4月3日 · Find a referring view of a plan view and then adjust the view range of the section so it will show on the elevation. This is extremely tedious and I don't understand why it is happening. There have even been situations where one section on an elevation will show up fine but then the next one (on the same elevation) is out of the view range.
Section view at an angle (IV9) - Autodesk Community
2005年2月10日 · End the sketch, > RMB on the sketch, choose section view. > -- > Michael Puschner > Autodesk Inventor Certified Expert > www.scholle.de > > > > > > "Ray Dyson" schrieb im Newsbeitrag > news:420b9b47$1_1@newsprd01... > > In idw if it's not obvious. > > What I did: (cylindrical part) > > Started the section command, picked the parent view and ...
Section View Inventor API - Autodesk Community
2017年1月10日 · Hi, everyone! I’m trying to figure out how to add a detail section view working with work points as reference. The work points that I want to use are “Work Point1” and “Work Point2” in Y-BLOCK SKETCH.ipt, which I’ve attached in this post. When I run the rule “SectionView Test” in Y-BLOCK DRAWING.i...
section view top and bottom level constraints
2018年4月12日 · For every Lower section view you assign in the view property the Lower Floor Scope Box; and similar for the upper sections, with Upper Floor Scope Box. Another think is to create Large Sections in order to only anotate one large section, the larger section is not placed on sheets, but you create two " Duplicate as Dependant " views that limit ...
Solved: How to remove the deleted Sections from Section View for ...
2025年1月8日 · Refer to the drawing below, take note that in Sections Tab, in Section View, there are two "Pave" sections. One of them comes from the current Corridor Surface "Pave", another comes from the previous Corridor Surface (also named "Pave") but which since have been dele
Section View as Base View - Siemens: UG/NX | Eng-Tips
2024年11月6日 · You can use the 'Break-Out Section' view function. This allows you to edit an existing view by adding a 'break-out' section to a portion of the view allowing interior details to be seen like in a normal section view. The trick is to create and select a polygon as your break-out boundary which encloses the entire view.
Mirrored section view... - Autodesk Community
2013年3月11日 · Then place a new view, create a sketch within that view consisting of a rectangle surrounding the whole part, and use the Break Out command to create the "fake" section view. I'd put a note on that section view to show that it's rotated, or put an "Up" arrow on it or something, since this does go against the standard for 3rd angle projection. I ...
2019年8月12日 · When creating a new section view, the arrows in the base view point away from the new created section view. Our QA manager want the arrows to point to the new view. Is there a setting that I can change so the arrows point to the new view?? Is it part of an ANSI standard that the arrows do not point to the new view? Thanks! Chris Breidenbaugh ...
Group plot array - section view - Autodesk Community
2024年3月26日 · Group plot array - section view Does anyone knows how can I set the array to display the same number in each column before it goes to another one? For exemple, I have one alignment with 17 sections views, which display 5 rows in one column, and another with 7 sections, but instead of display 5 rows, it does 3 rows.