Scintilla and SciTE
Scintilla and SciTE are currently available for Intel Win32, macOS, and Linux compatible operating systems with GTK. They have been run on Windows XP, Windows 7, macOS 10.9+, and on Ubuntu 18.04 with GTK 2.24. Here is a screenshot of SciTE. You can download Scintilla.
Download Scintilla and SciTE
A full download (3.8M) includes the 64-bit SciTE executable, shared libraries for Scintilla (libscintilla.so) and Lexilla (liblexilla.so) configuration files and documentation. After downloading the file, gunzip and untar it, and run SciTE.
Scintilla and SciTE
SciTE is a SCIntilla based Text Editor. Originally built to demonstrate Scintilla, it has grown to be a generally useful editor with facilities for building and running programs. It is best used for jobs with simple configurations - I use it for building test and demonstration programs as well as SciTE and Scintilla, themselves.
Scintilla and SciTE Related Sites
Open source and includes an implementation of SciTE's Director interface so will be of interest to others wanting to control SciTE. Anjuta is an open source C/C++ IDE for Linux/GNOME. A version of SciTE for Win32 enhanced with a tab control to allow easy movement between buffers.
Scintilla and SciTE
This documentation describes the individual messages and notifications used by Scintilla. It does not describe how to link them together to form a useful editor. For now, the best way to work out how to develop using Scintilla is to see how SciTE uses it. …
Scintilla and SciTE Code Style Preferences
Scintilla has stricter portability requirements to SciTE as it may be ported to low capability platforms. Scintilla code must build with C++17 which can be checked with "g++ --std=c++17". SciTE can use C++17 features that are widely available from g++ …
Text editing in SciTE works similarly to most Macintosh or Windows editors with the added feature of automatic syntax styling. SciTE can hold multiple files in memory at one time but only one file will be visible.
Scintilla and SciTE
Scintilla and SciTE provide a free source code editing component with features for editing and debugging.
Download. - Scintilla
There is no download available containing only the Scintilla DLL. However, it is included in the SciTE executable full download as Scintilla.DLL. SciTE is a good demonstration of Scintilla.
Scintilla Documentation
SciTE exercises most of Scintilla's facilities. There is a more type-safe binding of this API that can be used from C++. It is implemented in the ScintillaTypes.h, ScintillaMessages.h, ScintillaStructures.h, and ScintillaCall.h headers and call/ScintillaCall.cxx.