- See a collection of art created by various prodigious savant artists from around the world – each one chosen because it shines some light on the way the mind of a savant workswww.newscientist.com/gallery/mg20227111500-savant-art/
9 amazing autistic artists with savant syndrome - CBS …
2012年4月3日 · 9 amazing autistic artists with savant syndrome. James Henry Pullen. James Henry Pullen (1835-1916) was an autistic savant artist who was deaf and nearly mute, but a skilled craftsman and...
Savant syndrome - Wikipedia
Savant art: A window into exceptional minds - New Scientist
Jason Padgett - Wikipedia
How Well Do We Understand Autistic Savant Artists: A Review of …
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Autistic Savant Artist - Ping Lian Yeak
Savant Syndrome is a rare condition in which remarkable skills and abilities-islands of genius-are seen in striking contrast to limitations from a variety of circumstances such as autism or …
Research Hub - The Art of Autism
Savant Syndrome. Savant skills in autism: psychometric approaches and parental reports. The savant syndrome: an extraordinary condition. A synopsis: past, present, future. Header image: Savant artist Amanda LaMunyon “Chaos”
“Soul in a Vase” (Savant Syndrome and Autistic Art)
How Well Do We Understand Autistic Savant Artists: A …
2023年4月1日 · The authors investigated the artistic characteristics of autistic savant artists, hypotheses on the proximate and ultimate causes of their emergence, recent psychological and other studies about...