San Pablo, CA - Official Website | Official Website
san pablo approves a $5.9m financing investment to create more affordable housing opportunities for Additional Info... EXTENDING TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF PUBLIC COMMENTS BY ZOOM AND TELEPHONE FOR DESIGNATED BROWN ACT BOD
About San Pablo | San Pablo, CA - Official Website - San Pablo, …
Historically one of the oldest Spanish settlements in the region, San Pablo has become a thriving residential and business community with a population of about 30,000 in an area of approximately three square miles.
History | San Pablo, CA - Official Website
San Pablo Historical Society makes it possible for members of the community to learn about the city and how it evolved from its agrarian roots and its beginnings as a Rancho to a city called San Pablo.
Government | San Pablo, CA - Official Website
City of San Pablo. 1000 Gateway Ave. San Pablo, CA 94806. Phone: 510-215-3000. Hours. City Public Counter Hours (Effective Monday, 5/2/22): 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Appointments and online submission are strongly encouraged.
Living In San Pablo | San Pablo, CA - Official Website
San Pablo offers a diverse and affordable housing stock and is proud to serve its residents. The City of San Pablo offers youth programs and senior services to meet a variety of special needs and interest, and is home to an impressive community college.
Solid Waste | San Pablo, CA - Official Website
The City of San Pablo is thrilled to announce an enhanced new collection agreement with Richmond Sanitary Service Inc. (RSS), a subsidiary of Republic Services, for solid waste collection services. After an open competitive bid process, the City and RSS have negotiated a new agreement, proposed to begin on July 1, 2025.
Immigration Information | San Pablo, CA - Official Website
The San Pablo Police Department has worked tirelessly to build rapport and mutual respect with every member of our community. We remain committed to serving and protecting all members of our community, regardless of their immigration status.
Public Records Request | San Pablo, CA - Official Website
The City of San Pablo is now using NextRequest for processing of public records requests. Requests can be made through the NextRequest portal and status of requests can also be viewed therein. Please click the link below to submit a request:
Business License | San Pablo, CA - Official Website
Submit the City of San Pablo business licenses application and payment along with proof that any additional licenses or permits required for your business have been approved. PAYMENT OPTIONS Check made out to City of San Pablo
Outdoor Destinations | San Pablo, CA - Official Website
Wildcat Canyon Regional Park is situated along San Pablo Ridge and offers breathtaking views of the San Francisco Peninsula, Marin County, East County and the San Francisco Bay. Paths lead down and through the Canyon into Berkeley's Tilden Park.