Sama (Samal) Tribe of the Sulu Archipelago: History, Culture and …
2022年9月15日 · The traditional attire of the Sama consists of either everyday wear or elaborately embroidered costumes for special occasions. The patadjung, a ubiquitous tube-shaped cloth …
HOA research works.docx - Sama (Samal) Tribe of the Sulu …
Sama Tribe Traditional Costume Sama traditional clothing (Filipinas Heritage Library) The traditional attire of the Sama consists of either everyday wear or elaborately embroidered …
Sama-Bajau - Wikipedia
The Sama-Bajau include several Austronesian ethnic groups of Maritime Southeast Asia. The name collectively refers to related people who usually call themselves the Sama or Samah …
Fashion and Arts introduce in Languyan - Pershing Taiyab
2018年9月9日 · The native attire of a Tausug and Sama consists of Badjuh Lapih (upper) and Kuput (pants) for boys; while the top for girls are Batawi and Sablay for formal occasions, and …
Sama Dilaut (Badjao) Tribe of Sulu: History, Culture and Arts, …
2022年9月16日 · The traditional attire of the Sama Dilaut consists of either everyday wear or elaborately embroidered costumes for special occasions. The patadjung or tadjong has many …
Culture of Badjao – Badjao
2017年7月20日 · Focusing on their mode of dressing the traditional attire of a Badjao is the “patadjong.” It has many uses. They are made large enough to fit any person and are used by …
HOA research works - Sama (Samal) Tribe of the Sulu ... - Studocu
Sama Tribe Traditional Costume Sama traditional clothing (Filipinas Heritage Library) The traditional attire of the Sama consists of either everyday wear or elaborately embroidered …
Traditional Sama Attire: Clothing, Accessories & Fashion - Course …
2024年1月25日 · FASHION/ ACCESSORIES/ DRESS/ CLOTHING The traditional attire of the Sama consists of either everyday wear or elaborately embroidered costumes for special …
Sama-Bajau - Puerto Parrot
Sama Dilaut, Sama Mandilaut, Sama Pala'u, or Bajau Laut - The "sea Sama" or "ocean Sama". In the Philippines, the preferred ethnonym is Sama Dilaut; while in Malaysia, they usually identify …
Sama | History, Culture & Traditions | Britannica
2025年1月20日 · Sama, one of the largest and most diverse ethnolinguistic groups of insular Southeast Asia. The Sama live mainly in the southern half of the Sulu Archipelago, in the …