Sahrani - Armed Assault Wiki
Sahrani (alternately United Sahrani) is a playable terrain in ArmA: Armed Assault and its expansion pack ArmA: Queen's Gambit. A remote island located in the Atlantic Ocean, Sahrani was once an outpost for the British Empire's Royal Navy at …
Sahrani Conflict - Armed Assault Wiki
The Sahrani Conflict (2006) was a six-day war that was fought on Sahrani. It was waged between the U.S.-backed Kingdom of South Sahrani and the Democratic Republic of Sahrani. Prior to the outbreak of fighting, the island of Sahrani was divided …
Kingdom of Sahrani - Armed Assault Wiki
The Kingdom of Sahrani, formerly known as the Kingdom of South Sahrani (or more commonly South Sahrani) is an island nation located in the Atlantic Ocean.[5][6][7] During the Napoleonic wars in the 19th century CE, Sahrani served as an outpost for the British Empire's Royal Navy. The main Royal...
【ArmA:Shardow of Sahrani】【介绍】 - 百度贴吧
Jan 28, 2018 · 【ArmA:Shar..1987 年 萨拉尼岛Corazol事件后 SLA军队出兵南部攻击萨拉尼王国的意图已经很明显 美国军队紧急调回Sahrani群岛帮助萨拉尼王国 北方的萨拉尼民主共和国的正在调取大量部队 试图一举歼灭南
Sahrani War(ARMA自编大作,现代军迷请进) - 百度贴吧
Aug 16, 2008 · Kingdom of Sahrani(撒哈拉尼王国,南方国家。 与ROS相对应,因此KOS称为南撒哈拉尼;ROS称为北撒哈拉尼)在初期冲突中完全处于下风,边防部队被打得措手不及
Kingdom of Sahrani Military History: 1st Infantry Division : r/arma
Sep 12, 2019 · Massive amounts of military hardware began pouring in from economic partners such as the US, Spain, and Israel to bolster Sahrani forces in short order. RACS high command issued the order to reform the remaining forces into the 1st Infantry Division.
Arma: Armed Assault - Wikipedia
The campaign in Armed Assault is narrated by Private First Class William Porter of the United States Army (voiced by Todd Kramer), and takes place on the fictional Atlantic island of Sahrani, an island nation which is divided in two, with the northern section a Communist nation called the Democratic Republic of Sahrani (DRS) and the southern ...
Sahrani Liberation Army - Armed Assault Wiki
The Sahrani Liberation Army (SLA) serves as the primary land, air and sea defence force of the Democratic Republic of Sahrani. Since its founding alongside the Communist state in the mid 1900s [1], the SLA has been involved in an escalating arms race against its main adversary, the South's Royal Army Corps of Sahrani (RACS). [3]
ARMA: Armed Assault Windows game - ModDB
Armed Assault is a first person tactical military shooter with large elements of realism and simulation. This game features a blend of large-scale military conflict spread over large areas alongside the more closed quarters battle. The player will find...
Armaverse Timeline - Bohemia Interactive Community
Jan 16, 2025 · With stolen vehicles, Resistance army attacks the city of Modrava and neutralizes all forces there.