OTTO robot - Arduino Project Hub
2020年3月20日 · A robot which moves in all directions using servos and a 3d printed body. ... Components and supplies. 1. Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic) 4. SG90 Micro-servo …
Arduino Nano Based Microbot : 7 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables
A socket is used to mount the Arduino Nano to the robot, besides making the Arduino removable so that it can be used for other projects, this simplifies attachment to the rest of the machine. …
Line following robots is one of the most simplistic types of robots that performs a simple task: tracking a black or a white line on a white, respectively on a black surface. To get a good …
Self Balancing Robot Using Arduino Nano and MPU 6050 - Instructables
self balancing robots are unique among all other, just because of their ability to balance on a given fixed position. Even is the robot is displaced from its position, it is programmed so that it …
How To Make Spider Robot (Quadruped) Using Arduino NANO
2023年11月13日 · In this tutorial, we will learn how to make an Arduino Spider Robot. The mechanical components of this innovative spider robot are exclusively crafted through 3D …
GitHub - subhashree-mishra/Line-Follower-Bot: Arduino Nano …
2024年3月23日 · Arduino Nano Line Follower Bot: This repository offers concise guidance and code for constructing a line follower robot using Arduino Nano. Access schematics, code, and …
GitHub - maahmed24712/Arduino-Sumo-Robot: Arduino Sumo Robot…
This readme file provided an overview of the Arduino code for a sumo robot. It explained the hardware requirements, pin configuration, setup process, and the behavior of the robot. By …
Self-balancing robot with Arduino Nano and steppers
2021年6月19日 · A self-balancing robot built with cheap components: Nano, A4988 stepper drivers, MPU6050, and Nema17 steppers. Focused on code readability.
How to Build an Arduino Self-Balancing Robot - Maker Pro
2017年5月2日 · This tutorial will show you how to build a robot using an Arduino that balances itself — just like a Segway! How Does Balancing Work? To keep the robot balanced, the …
Self Balancing Robot - Programming - Arduino Forum
2024年7月12日 · I am using Arduino Nano, MPU6050, l298n motor driver module and 6v dc geared motor to create a 2 wheel self balancing robot. I am sharing the code below: // …