Googled "ripped Jesus" was not disappointed. : r ... - Reddit
2020年6月20日 · This physical painting is at my local art museum (or was at least) and the moment I first saw it, we came around the corner and stood face to face with this jacked Jesus and my wife and I just burst into uncontrollable laughter and it didn't calm down for a solid few minutes, we didn't have to say anything, we just saw it and lost it.
Korean CrossFit Jesus… is this a real thing in Korea? : r/korea - Reddit
2023年6月22日 · Christianity has a large following in Korea, especially when compared with other east-Asian nations, mainly due to the fact that, while it was the religion of the imperialist invading nations for most of Asia, that was not the case in Korea (Japan, non-Christian nation was the imperialist power) and the Christians, and foreign missionaries, were strongly anti-Japanese …
Was Jesus actually ripped? : r/AskHistorians - Reddit
2014年3月22日 · I guess what brought this to my mind was the Jim Caviezel version of Jesus. Obviously it's a movie and he's a movie star and I remember Stephen Colbert referring to Jesus having "washboard abs". I just see this as like a general thing in the depiction of him, being white and slender and muscular and I'm just wondering how accurate that is.
This unit of a jacked Jesus statue in South Korea
Jesus was a carpenter, he was not a small weak man. People just made him white, blue eyed and wimpy to make him seem the least threatening to people as possible, I personally like to think about him as jacked guy because all he ate was fish and bread, he lifted heavy timber and worked long hours, back then there wasn’t exactly a limit on working hours.
Why are so many depictions of Jesus so ripped? : r/Christianity
2020年5月19日 · You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a …
The Bible says that after Jesus' resurrection the bodies of ... - Reddit
2021年2月8日 · Robert J. Miller's "Helping Jesus fulfill prophecy", also talks about this kind of stuff. It's obvious that Jesus fulfilled prophecies about the promised Messiah--or so the gospels and Christians make it seem. But the real story is more complex, and more compelling. In hindsight we can see that Jesus had help fulfilling prophecy.
Ripped Jesus : r/rickandmorty - Reddit
2020年5月5日 · Ripped Jesus . General Discussion Would someone get me a capture of Jesus when he rips his shirt off ...
Ripped Jesus : r/Austin - Reddit
2017年2月15日 · Posted by u/trev627 - 137 votes and 32 comments
Ripped Jesus : r/GymMemes - Reddit
2019年9月26日 · 1M subscribers in the GymMemes community. It never gets easier, you just get stronger.
Was Jesus physically unattractive? The early church thought so.
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