2012年3月23日 · The iStick 20w and Mini 10w are notorious for having soft 510 threads. I own 4 20w but I have used either a bending adapter or a 510 to Ego/510 adapter on all of them from …
repairing the switch on a ego c twist battery | E-Cigarette Forum
2012年10月21日 · Couple of question. I ended up dropping 3 different ego c twist batteries and the button on them became messed up. I thought I just broke them. I was talking to someone …
I need help repairing my ego style vv battery - E-Cigarette Forum
2013年4月20日 · Yesterday I was trying to adjust the center floating pin on my apollo ego battery and must have pulled it up too much and ripped the wire off of it. Then when I took apart the …
Battery Management System (BMS) for EGO Battery Packs
2012年4月8日 · I found this video by accident and thought it was interesting. It shows the BMS for the battery pack for the EGO batteries used in power tools (like leaf blowers and trimmers). …
Has anyone ever disassembled an eGo battery before?
2010年4月1日 · The cone/atty could be clamped or let the battery sit on a board w/ the cone/atty raised like by a piece of steel then tap the cone nearer battery & rotate tapping. If a 510 atty is …
Ego battery weird sounds (not the regular crack & pop)
2013年7月30日 · IF you connect the battery to the charger dongle, the status LED on the charger stays on green, AND the switch button comes on and it stays solid blue: There is the …
Replacement for eGo One 2200mAh battery? - E-Cigarette Forum
2014年8月30日 · So I dropped my eGo one XL, and now it won't hold a charge. I can vape it when it's plugged in, but after a puff or two after being unplugged it acts like it's completely dead. I …
Can any car charger with USB charge my eGo battery?
2010年2月3日 · Every now and then I read exhortations to not use eGo-chargers for smaller 510 batteries, but very seldom any actual specs, not to mention specifications for optimal current …
EGO-CE5 batteries keep dying, no blue light, won't charge
2014年10月17日 · I just got an EGO-CE5 starter kit last week with an "EGO-CE5" battery and "kaiwei eGo USB charger" charger. After about a week of use, I went to charge the battery one …
Battery Multimeter Testing Question - E-Cigarette Forum
2014年1月4日 · If this same battery had a 500 milliamp load placed on it, it would take 2 hours to drain down....". Using the hobby charger as the load the capacity can be calculated which …