Pervious concrete, sometimes referred to as no-fines, gap-graded, per meable, or enhanced porosity concrete, is an innovative approach to controlling, managing, and treating stormwater runoff.
This paper focuses on porous concrete pavement. Porous concrete is constructed in a similar fashion to traditional concrete, by mixing cement, water, and aggregates. The primary goal of any porous con-crete system is to achieve adequate porosity so that water can readily pass through the system and into the subbase. Creation of air voids
Pervious concrete pavement does not look or behave like conventional concrete pavement. The finished surface is not tight and uniform, but is open and varied, to admit large quantities of stormwater.
pretreatment is recommended if the pavement receives run-off from adjacent pervious areas. For example, a gravel or sod filter strip can be placed adjacent to pervious (landscaped) areas to trap coarse sediment particles before they reach the pavement surface in order to prevent premature clogging. 3.5.4 Permeable Pavement Design Criteria
This article provides an overview on pervious concrete mix design, key properties, durability and applications. Also, it touches on practical and scientific challenges of PCPC.
It is concluded that the newly designed porous concrete block is more cost-effective, light-weight, and vegetative-compatible than the conventional concrete block of the same size.