  1. Plastiglomerate - Wikipedia

    • Plastiglomerate is a rock made of a mixture of sedimentary grains, and other natural debris (e.g. shells, wood) that is held together by plastic. It has been considered a potential marker of the Anthropocene, an informal epoch of the Quaternary proposed by some social scientists, environmentalists, and geologists. … 展开


    Plastiglomerates form along shorelines where natural sedimentary grains and organic debris are agglutinated by melted plastic. They can be created during campfire burning, as has been reported from Kamilo Beach on the isl… 展开

    Depositional environment

    Plastiglomerate could potentially form a marker horizon of human pollution on the geologic record. and may survive as future fossils. Plastiglomerate may also conceivably form in plastic-polluted regions affected by … 展开