Photo of The Week: Multi-Banded Pipefish | Reef2Reef
2023年6月9日 · The Multi-Banded Pipefish can make a fascinating addition to a well-maintained seahorse aquarium. They are slow and delicate swimmers, so choose tankmates that are compatible in terms of size, behavior, and feeding habits. Avoid keeping them with fin-nipping or aggressive species that may harass or outcompete them for food.
Pipefish | Reef2Reef
2016年12月15日 · Pipefish have one of the shortest lifespans of aquarium fish living only 3 or 4 years. If you buy an adult pipefish, it may be near the end of its lifespan. One more slight problem in keeping pipefish is that their gill opening, unlike normal fish is not a slit, but a small pore and it clogs easily if there is debris in the water.
Baby bluestripe pipefish day1 | Reef2Reef
2023年1月15日 · Hello, this is Emma. I'm posting this to record that early yesterday morning, baby pipefish finally hatched from the belly of dad blue stripe pipefish. It's been almost two weeks since I noticed the pregnancy. According to records, the babies hatch between 14 to 17 days after the female lays eggs in the male's belly.
Wild caught pipefish | Reef2Reef
2020年10月25日 · Saltwater Fish Photos. Pipefish . Wild caught pipefish. Riverlifewife; Oct 25, 2020; Named Stix. I made ...
Pipefish | Page 2 | Reef2Reef
2016年12月15日 · Pipefish have one of the shortest lifespans of aquarium fish living only 3 or 4 years. If you buy an adult pipefish, it may be near the end of its lifespan. One more slight problem in keeping pipefish is that their gill opening, unlike normal fish is not a slit, but a small pore and it clogs easily if there is debris in the water.
Pipefish. Worth it? | Reef2Reef
2019年12月28日 · @leilani908 I noticed you are looking at either pipefish or a anemone. Both of these really need to be added in mature tanks. Just some things need to be waited on and these are 2 of them. There are so many others that will add color and be …
Pipefish? | Reef2Reef
2015年7月19日 · It certainly is a pipefish and hard to tell from the top view, but most likely a Gulf Pipefish ...
Random Photos of pipefish and actinic shots
2007年8月23日 · Search titles only By: Search Advanced search…
Janss' Pipefish, Dragonet, & Invert tank stocklist thoughts
2024年11月4日 · Janss' Pipefish x 4-5 Green Mandarin Ruby Red Dragonet Jawfish (species TBD) Starry blenny (Salarias ramosus) Sleeper blue dot goby (Valencienna sexguttata) Pistol shrimp & shrimp goby (species TBD) Bumblebee shrimps (2-3 each Gnathophyllum americanum & Gnathophyllum elegans) Purple Leg Marble Shrimp (Saron rectirostris)
pipefish in 15gal AIO? | Reef2Reef
2024年5月24日 · The back half of a pipefish isn't flexible, and they mostly swim forwards, so their minimum turning radius is much bigger than an eel or a smaller fish. In that small of a tank, especially with rockwork that goes outside of the very center, would make it difficult for them to turn around in the corners, which I would expect to be stressful and ...