Pickled Planet Sauerkraut - Raw, Organic Fermented Food
You have landed on the Pickled Planet, home of the best tasting fermented products since 2002…and welcome to the party. We dedicate ourselves to making delicious fermented food products while helping to get our planet out of the pickle we put it into.
Our Products - Pickled Planet Sauerkraut
Browse below to see our extensive product listing of fine fermented foods. If you are interested in carrying the line of Pickled Planet products either as a retailer or a distributor, or have interest for food service uses, please feel free to contact us for info, sell sheets etc.
Pickled Planet Sauerkraut - Where to Buy Our Fermented Foods
Please contact us to arrange a special shipment, or if you’d like to sell Pickled Planet Fermented Foods in your area.
The Pickled Planet Story
Pickled Planet, founded in 2002 by Courtlandt Jennings, is the oldest organic fermented vegetable producer in the Northwest.
Pickled Planet Sauerkraut - Shop Organic Sauerkraut
Please contact us to arrange a special shipment, or if you’d like to sell Pickled Planet Sauerkraut in your area. Bulk Sale Sauerkraut For our local customers we offer membership in our bulk club .
What is Sauerkraut Anyways? (and other FAQs) - Pickled Planet …
Pickled Planet sauerkraut is packaged into jars with it’s own brine solution, then refrigerated to preserve the vitamins, enzymes, and beneficial bacteria without any heat. Live sauerkraut also has a distinctive flavor very different from the canned version.
Pickled Planet Sauerkraut - Contact Us
Pickled Planet, LLC 225 Water St Ashland, OR 97520 (541) 201-2689. Eat Life, Enjoy Life!
Pickled Planet Sauerkraut - Raw Sauerkraut
Pickled Planet keeps our kraut raw to ensure the healthy intestinal flora are available to help you. Some raw foods , such as raw crackers, pies and fruit leather, are heated at low temperatures to enhance flavor or texture.
Pickled Planet Sauerkraut - Sauerkraut
Pickled Planet ages our kraut until the Ph is anywhere from 3.4 – 3.1 and the texture is close to previous batches. Pickled Planet offers 6 delicious flavors of raw sauerkraut, also known as live sauerkraut. Eat Life, Enjoy Life!
Pickled Planet Sauerkraut - Brine Pickles
Pickled Planet has cucumber pickles from September till November, and we have our Beans and Taqueria Mix all year round. Currently, Pickled Planet offers many delicious flavors of raw sauerkraut , also known as live sauerkraut .