Francesco Petrarch - National Gallery of Art
Petrarch also has an important place in art history owing to his known connections with contemporary artists, the visual interpretation or illustration of his work in the Trecento, and the unusually large number of portraits made of him during or just after his lifetime.
弗兰齐斯科·彼特拉克 - 百度百科
从1338年起,彼特拉克断断续续用了四年的时间,写下了著名的叙事史诗《阿非利加》。 这首诗是仿效 古罗马 作家 维吉尔 的笔法,用纯 拉丁语 写成的。
弗朗切斯科·彼特拉克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
弗朗切斯科·彼特拉克 (義大利語: Francesco Petrarca,1304年7月20日—1374年7月19日),或譯為 彼托拉克[1] 、 彼得拉克 、 佩脫拉克, 意大利 学者、 诗人 、和早期的 人文主义 者,因其主張以「人的學問代替神的學問」,亦被視為人文主义之父。 彼特拉克於1304年出生在意大利 佛罗伦萨 附近的 阿雷佐,父亲是律師兼法院公证人。 他的童年是在靠近佛罗伦萨的 因奇萨 乡村中度过的,因而養成他的 托斯卡納口音,日後以此方言寫出了許多動人的詩歌。 他的父亲,瑟·彼特 …
Petrarch - Wikipedia
Francis Petrarch (/ ˈpɛtrɑːrk, ˈpiːt -/; 20 July 1304 – 19 July 1374; Latin: Franciscus Petrarcha; modern Italian: Francesco Petrarca [franˈtʃesko peˈtrarka]), born Francesco di Petracco, was a scholar from Arezzo and poet of the early Italian Renaissance and one of …
ON PETRARCH'S APPRECIATION OF ART BY ERNEST H. WILKINS PETRARCH'S three references to works of art that were familiar to him seem to me to be such as to indicate that his appreciation of art was notably sensitive and understanding. The only one of the three works in question that is extant is a twelfth-century
Petrarch - World History Encyclopedia
2020年10月22日 · Petrarch (1304-1374 CE), full name Francesco Petrarca, was an Italian scholar and poet who is credited as one of the founders of the Renaissance movement in art, thought, and literature. Petrarch actively searched for 'lost' ancient manuscripts hidden away in forgotten corners of medieval libraries; Cicero (106-43 BCE) was one particular ...
Petrarch | Biography, Renaissance, Humanism, Sonnets, Poems,
1998年7月20日 · Petrarch, Italian scholar, poet, and humanist whose poems addressed to Laura, an idealized beloved, contributed to the Renaissance flowering of lyric poetry. He was regarded as the greatest scholar of his age. Learn more about Petrarch’s life and works in this article.
How did Petrarch influence the Renaissance - DailyHistory.org
Petrarch was undoubtedly one of the most significant influences on the Renaissance, not only in Italy but throughout Europe. His poetry inspired other poets in the period and later to examine their interior life and emotions and celebrate the natural world and see love as something spiritual.
Profile Portrait of a Poet (Petrarch (?)) | The Walters Art Museum
The laurel crown on this figure's head identifies him as poet, while his distinctive costume suggests he is Francesco Petrarca, commonly known as Petrarch (1304-74), one of the most influential poets of the Italian Renaissance. The generalized features indicate the painting is not a specific likeness but rather an idealized type.
Petrarch (1304–1374) (Francesco Petrarca) - Art UK
Petrarch (1304–1374) (Francesco Petrarca) 16th C. oil on panel. H 20 x W 15 cm. 355512. bequeathed with the Hall and contents to the National Trust by Philip, 11th Marquess of Lothian. Painting. See a tag that’s incorrect or offensive? Challenge it …