PetaSAN - Open Source Scale-Out SAN
PetaSAN is an open source scale-out software defined storage solution licensed under the AGPL 3. PetaSAN uses the Ceph storage engine and the Consul service mesh platform to offer scale-out, multi-node active/active and highly available storage services supporting industry protocols such as iSCSI, CIFS, SMB, NFS, S3.
PetaSAN:提供性能、安全性和灵活性的存储系统 - EdgeUno
PetaSAN:提供性能、安全性和灵活性的存储系统. 如果Proxmox 可以帮助创建虚拟服务器,LibreNMS 可以进行监控,那么 PetaSAN 则可以提供信息存储管理支持。 为什么选择 PetaSAN
用于所有平台、权限丰富的FreeNAS替代品 - 知乎
OpenMediaVault是基于Debian Linux的下一代网络附加存储(NAS)解决方案。 它包含SSH、(S)FTP、SMB / CIFS、DAAP媒体服务器、RSync、BitTorrent客户端等服务。 由于该框架采用模块化设计,其可通过插件强化功能。 OpenMediaVault主要用于家庭环境或小型家庭办公室,但不限于这些环境。 XigmaNAS(以前称为NAS4Free)是基于FreeBSD的嵌入式开源存储NAS(网络附加存储)发行版。 该项目是FreeNAS 7系列项目的延续。 XigmaNAS支持跨Windows …
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PetaSAN provides high performance active/active iSCSI block devices with optimum load distribution and best utilization of hardware resources. PetaSAN is ideal for your virtualization workloads and has been optimized for use in VMWare and Hyper-V environments. From small clusters to large cloud provider installations.
PetaSAN Administrator Guide Page 1 of 92 1. Purpose The purpose of this guide is to describe how you can manage your PetaSAN cluster using the web based Management Application. 2. Pre-requisites
Was ist PetaSAN? - Storage-Insider
2023年6月13日 · PetaSAN ist der Name einer Open-Source-Software-Lösung, mit der sich performante und in großem Umfang skalierbare Storage-Lösungen realisieren lassen. Die Scale-Out -Active/Active-Storage-Lösungen sind einfach und unterbrechungsfrei skalierbar, indem weitere Nodes im laufenden Betrieb dem Storage-Cluster hinzugefügt werden.
PetaSAN Reviews in 2025 - SourceForge
PetaSAN is a scale-out active/active storage solution offering massive scalability and performance. PetaSAN uses modern cloud based technologies to provide the elasticity and agility to scale up the storage cluster simply by adding more nodes; this can be done at any time and in a truly non-disruptive manner.
About Us - PetaSAN
PetaSAN is a leading SAN platform for building modern storage infrastructures. Using state of the art scale-out SDS architecture, PetaSAN delivers un-parallel performance and allows the expansion and shrinking of storage capacity at any time in a truly elastic manner.
Anyone using PetaSan : r/storage - Reddit
2019年6月9日 · If you don't understand the difference in between front-end UI (PetaSAN) and an actual data mover layer (Ceph) you might end up in a wrong subreddit. Ceph is great and becoming even better with every new release, while proprietary UIs aren't.