  1. Primary Peritoneal Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

    • Healthcare providers classify peritoneal cancer based on where it first occurs: 1. Primary peritoneal cancer starts inside the cells that make up the peritoneum. 2. Secondary peritoneal cancer starts elsewhere in your … 展开

    How Common Is Primary Peritoneal Cancer?

    Primary peritoneal cancer is very rare. Providers diagnose fewer than 7 in 1 million cases each … 展开

    Cleveland Clinic
    Who Is at Risk of Getting Primary Peritoneal Cancer?

    Women have a higher risk of primary peritoneal cancer than men. Peritoneal cancer risk factors are similar to ovarian cancer and include: 1. Age:Most people diagnosed with p… 展开

    Cleveland Clinic
    How Does Peritoneal Cancer Differ from Ovarian Cancer?

    Peritoneal cancer starts in a different place than ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer usually starts inside the ovaries or in the cells at the far end of the fallopian tubes. Peritoneal cance… 展开

    Cleveland Clinic
  1. Peritoneal Cancer: A Rare Abdominal Cancer - Verywell …

    2024年12月12日 · Peritoneal cancer is a rare cancer that forms in the lining of the abdominal cavity, known as the peritoneum. Symptoms of peritoneal cancer are often vague and include fatigue, abdominal pain and swelling, urinary …

  2. Peritoneal Pathology - The Radiology Assistant

    2009年8月28日 · Peritoneal metastases are the most common peritoneal solid masses. Gastrointestinal and ovarian cancers are the most common etiologies. Usually there are omental metastases, i.e. omental cake and ascites.

  3. Peritoneal Cancer: What is The Peritoneum, Symptoms,

  4. Peritoneal cancer: 8 questions, answered - MD …

    2024年5月8日 · Peritoneal cancer is a rare cancer that develops in the peritoneum, the tissue made of epithelial cells that line the abdominal wall. It’s sometimes called primary peritoneal cancer. It may also start in other areas, …

  5. Primary and secondary tumors of the peritoneum: key …

    Peritoneal lymphomatosis may show homogeneous bulky masses, lymphadenopathies, small bowel wall thickening and hepatosplenomegaly. Introduction. Peritoneal malignancies represent a heterogeneous group of …

  6. Peritoneal Cancer - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf

    2024年4月30日 · The peritoneum is the serous membrane that lines the abdominal cavity, supporting the abdominal viscera and facilitating the passage of blood, lymph, and nerve impulses. The peritoneum consists of 2 layers: the …

  7. Peritoneal Cancer: All the Facts Patients Must Know

  8. Primary and secondary tumors of the peritoneum: key imaging …

  9. Peritoneal Cancer: Practice Essentials, Pathophysiology, Etiology