Ousia - Wikipedia
Ousia (/ ˈuːziə, ˈuːsiə, ˈuːʒə, ˈuːʃə /; Ancient Greek: οὐσία) is a philosophical and theological term, originally used in ancient Greek philosophy, then later in Christian theology. It was used by various ancient Greek philosophers, like Plato and Aristotle, as a primary designation for philosophical concepts of essence or substance.
Arkhe System and All Pneuma and Ousia Characters
2025年2月4日 · See all the Pneuma and Ousia Characters, the Arkhe System, how to trigger the Annihilation Reaction, and all the known info about these here! Pneuma and Ousia are forms of opposing energy that flows in every life form from Fontaine in Genshin Impact 4.0.
哲学史中的ousia - 哔哩哔哩
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Ousia Aligned Pneuma Aligned Ousia Aligned Pneuma Aligned Character Shorts
两希文明的交替与Being的语义学 - 搜狐
2018年4月30日 · 亚里士多德引入ousia作为其本体学说的主要 内容,又引入hypokeimenon描述作为第一本体的ousia,以区别于第二本体(属和种)。 相对于亚里士多德所提出的其他九个on的范畴来说,ousia获得了优先性,这一点被晚 期希腊哲学作为前提接受了下来。
Ousía and hypostasis from the philosophers to the councils
2018年3月31日 · While ousía means the same for both Plato and Aristotle as a question, they provide completely different answers to that question. Plato's answer is well known: the Form, which exists in a transcendent world of Forms, is prōtē ousíā, the primary, real being, of which the particular objects in the sensible world are just shadows.
实体(ousia)是什么? ——从术语解析看亚里士多德的实体论
柏拉图对话中ousia已经有了较专门的运用,主要指与可感事物、与非存在相对立的真实存在,即永不变灭的可知世界的存在(见《泰阿泰德篇》185c,219b;《国家篇》509b;《蒂迈欧篇》29c;《智者篇》232c,等)。 《国家篇》第6卷中较为奇特地讲到,善自身并不是ousia,而是在荣耀和能力上都超出ousia,真理与知识的真实存在都来自于善。 这里的ousia一般翻译为存在、实在或本质。 《蒂迈欧篇》35a以下讲述了神如何从不可分的、永恒同一的存在(ousia)和可 …
St Gregory of Nyssa: Differentiating Ousia and Hypostasis
2014年4月1日 · Common nouns signify that common nature (ousia —typically translated “substance” or “essence”) shared by particular existents, i.e., that which qualifies the existents as belonging together in a class or genus. It tells us what something is. …
Pneuma, Ousia and their Logos(Preliminary Analysis)
2023年8月4日 · Ousia is derived from the ancient Greek word οὐσία, which means “being” or “essence”. In Gnosticism, Ousia refers to the the essence of God, the Father. Similarly, Pneuma is derived from the ancient Greek word πνεῦμα, which means “Breath” and “Spirit”. In Gnosticism, Pneuma refers to the Holy Spirit or “breath”, “will” and “soul”.
Ousia - Religion Wiki | Fandom
Ousia (Οὐσία) is the Ancient Greek noun formed on the feminine present participle of εἶναι (to be); it is analogous to the English participle being, and the Greek ontic.