The Old Dying Sound - Suggestions - Minecraft Forum
2013年6月18日 · You can pretty much easily do this now.. just get the sound from the old resources folder and put it in the new one replacing the new ones.. if you have a program like.. …
The Veteran Pack (Alpha Textures and Sounds Resource
2013年7月9日 · I thought I did add the old animal sounds, I just didn't get rid of the stepping sounds, but the sounds should be old. Also, the steve sound is not intended, but it is …
Custom Player Death Sounds [Optional Multi-player Setting]
2014年4月20日 · Just like the ability to create a custom skin for your character, players should be able to upload a custom death sound. Whenever the player is killed, just like with skins, the …
Custom Sounds [TUTORIAL] - Resource Pack Help - Minecraft Forum
2020年5月10日 · Search %appdata% in your PC and open the folder. There is a folder called ".minecraft". Open it and there is all the minecraft information. Ok, if you want to change the …
How can i play a global sound on the server? - Minecraft Forum
2018年4月30日 · IIRC you could do something like /execute @a ~ ~ ~ playsound entity.spider.death @p. in a command block or similar where: @a is to execute on all players …
How can I get sounds from earlier versions of Minecraft?
2017年7月13日 · Go to your .minecraft folder, go into versions and copy "1.7.3.jar", then change ".jar" to ".zip" then go to "assets" and then "minecraft" and there should be a folder called …
[1.4.5][Sound Pack_Audiotori] Minecraft 8bit sounds!
2012年12月3日 · Actually, the TnT fuse sound and the creeper fuse sound are... the same sound, named fuse.ogg But when the creeper's going to explode, it plays fuse.ogg on octave lower …
[Generator] How To Add Your OWN Custom Sounds Into Minecraft!
2020年6月17日 · Minecraft: TemmieOfficial Member Details Hello everyone, I have made a little program that allows you to add your own sounds via resource pack without having to go …
How can I disable the Endermen's 'Stare' sound? - Minecraft Forum
2013年3月15日 · It's too loud. I hear it too often. Always gotta turn my speakers down. Is there any way to disable it? The sound I'm reffering to (goto 0
Sound File Help - Resource Pack Help - Resource Packs
2017年7月14日 · I've been trying to just change a single sound and that's the player death sound, the problem is I have no idea what the file is meant to be called and what folder it goes in for …