Radiofrequency Treatment in Chronic Pain - Page 5 - Medscape
Department of Pain Management, Cleveland Clinic, 9500 Euclid Ave (C25), Cleveland, OH 44195, USA Tel.: +1 216 444 7478 Fax: +1 216 444 0797 [email protected] Sidebar Key Issues
Sciatic Nerve Injury Following Intramuscular Injection: A
Ndiaye, Sakho, Fall, Dia, and Sow (2004) performed sciatic nerve gluteal dissection on 10 fresh adult African cadavers, on both sides. The nerve pathway was 19 times out of 20 in the subpiriformis ...
Complications Associated With Transobturator Sling Procedures
Backround: The transobturator tape procedure (TOT) is an effective surgical treatment of female stress urinary incontinence. However data concerning safety are rare, follow-up is often less than ...
Low Back Pain: Evaluating Presenting Symptoms in Elderly Patients
2009年11月20日 · Obturator: L2-L4: Loss of thigh adduction: Anteromedial thigh and leg: Femoral: ... the foot is dorsiflexed to stretch the sciatic nerve. Return of the pain with foot dorsiflexion is a positive test.
Abdominal Pain Among Older Adults - Page 5 - Medscape
Pain is the presenting symptom in 50% of older adults with peptic ulcer disease. Complications are perforation, hemorrhage, gastric outlet obstruction, and penetration into an adjacent viscous ...
Peripheral Neuropathy in Liver Cirrhosis - Medscape
Background and Aims: Neuropathy in association with chronic liver disease, including cirrhosis, is recognized; however, there are differences in the incidence and type of neuropathy reported. The ...
Scientists Who Unlocked Secrets of Pain Sensation Win Nobel Prize
2021年10月4日 · David Julius, PhD, and Ardem Patapoutian, PhD, have been awarded the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovering receptors for temperature and touch.
Yes, the Pain Is All in Your Head - Medscape
2025年1月27日 · Signals are sent from your toe, up a nerve to your spinal cord, up another nerve to your thalamus, and then onto the cortex to give it context, emotion, intensity, reality. If that chain is broken ...
Implantable Stimulator Shows Promise for Chronic Knee Pain
2020年3月5日 · Patients with chronic knee pain who had peripheral nerve stimulation of the saphenous nerve with an implantable device had significant and long-lasting pain reduction, preliminary research shows.
Pain, the Brain, and the Many Uses of Neurostimulation - Medscape
Spinal cord stimulation has been used to treat pain since 1967 and received FDA approval in 1989 to relieve pain from nerve damage in the trunk, arms, or legs. Strong evidence supports spinal cord ...